Chapter 1: The Beginning

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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire, and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.

He got seven of them.

Meet The Umbrella Academy:

Number 1: Super Strength & Enhanced Resilience.

Number 2: Trajectory Manipulation.

Number 3: Mental Manipulation.

Number 4: Mediumship.

Number 5: Teleportation & Chronokinesis.

Number 6: Kraken Tentacles.

Number 7: Ordinary.

First Person's POV:

I was awoken from my sleep with a rough shove, the warmth from my covers was gone which clearly meant they were no longer on my bed. I opened one of my eyes and saw my mother standing over me, glaring at me.

Her blonde straw-like hair was put in a messy bun, she was dressed as if she was going somewhere, did I forget something?

After analysing my mother, I then noticed that it was still dark outside, something was not right. I turn back to my mother, her eyes still glaring at me.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat myself up in my bed to fully wake up.

"It's 5 am, get up and get dressed, we are leaving for the airport in 15 minutes. You have a flight to catch." My eyes widened as she left the room and slammed the door shut. What does she mean I have a flight to catch? I wasn't told we were going anywhere and even if we were, where on earth would we be going?

I slowly got out of bed, my mind still thinking about the choice of words my mother had just used. The wooden floor was cold on my feet, so I headed towards the bathroom and started to get ready.

I didn't have many clothes or should I say different types of clothes. My wardrobe consisted of white or black T-shirts and black leggings, I guess I was lucky enough to have clothes at all.

I ran a brush through my long brunette hair and tied it up in a low ponytail. Satisfied with how I looked I made my way to the kitchen, only to see my mother standing at the door staring out of the window. There was a small black suitcase next to her and a lilac backpack which indicated that her choice of words earlier was correct, I would be travelling alone.

She noticed my presence and looked at me up and down, a frown plastered on her face. "You look messy, let me fix your hair." She grabbed a spare brush from one of the drawers and proceeded to fix my hair.

My mother was never gentle, every time the brush contacted my head it felt like a hundred needles stabbing me, you'd think I'd be used to the pain by now, but I guess not. In less than 5 minutes my hair was done, I ran my fingers over my head and felt that she had done my iconic look of 2 plaits, 1 on either side of my head.

"Come on, we need to leave." My mother states as she grabs her handbag and car keys.

"Where are we going?" I say as I head over to the suitcase and bag. I hear a sigh coming from her direction.

"You are catching a flight to America, and you won't be returning. I've packed everything you will need. Now no more questions just get in the car we need to leave." She sounded like a robot, there was no emotion in her voice which I couldn't help getting upset at.

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