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"Hey sweetheart... Can we talk?" My mom said as she entered into my room.
"Hmm.." I sighed as she sat beside me on my bed. "Uhm..honey..the social care services came by the house today... It's about Bella..." My mom uttered slowly. "No way mom! Bella is not going anywhere! No... I won't allow it..." I spat out starting to freak out. "Hey honey relax...uhm your father and I were thinking about adopting Christabel you know... We just wanted to know if you're cool with it..." My mom announced as I jumped up happily.

"Of course mom! Duh... I agree.. You guys go right ahead..." I said as I smiled brightly which made my mom chuckle tearfully. "Okay sweetie... It's good to see you smile again..." My mom said as she rubbed my feet briefly and then got up to leave. "Hey mom... Thank you.." I said as I got up and hugged my mother which kind of took her by surprise since I had not been talking to her much. "It's okay sweetie... Your father and I would do anything to make you happy.." she said and then smiled at me warmly and then went out.

"Hey bells... Guess what?" I said as Bella entered my room just right after my mom left. "I despise guessing games.." she muttered out looking as always. "Nyeeen... I've got a good news so you have to guess or else I'm not telling.." I said as she looked at me indifferently. "Then don't... I'm in no mood for games right now.." she muttered out looking down at her feet which made me realize she was hurting...

"Hey what's up? Why are do you seem sad?" I asked. "It's just that I heard your parents discuss something about giving me up for foster care or something... Issa I don't wanna go...I don't wanna be in foster care.." She muttered out tearfully. " one's giving you up for foster care relax... They just want to adopt you to legally become part of this family that's it.." I announced as her face lit up suddenly a,nd then she jumped on me ecstatically.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much... You're the best... I promise I'm gonna be a good little sister I swear to God..." She said as I pinched her cheeks lightly as she giggled happily. "You don't have to thank me... I owe you my life to be honest... If not for you I don't know if I'd still be alive right now so thank you Bells..." I said as she smiled and nodded slowly but then her face suddenly twitched to an offended one as she raised her brows at me.

"What weirdo?" I asked. "Bells? Seriously? That sounds like a thing Oscar would say..." She said which suddenly made the atmosphere in the room a rather gloomy one. "Yeah... He was a teaser you know..." I blurted out sadly as Bella just slid her fingers through mine and squeezed it slightly in encouragement.

"Do you think he's in heaven now? Or he'll go to hell?" Bella asked. "Actually I don't know but he died for a good cause so I believe he should be at peace but I can't possibly say he's in heaven or hell because I don't believe in them..." I muttered out as Bella raised her brows in astonishment.

"Why?" She asked. "Let's make that a topic some other time... now come over here! I learnt this braid style on Tiktok... Lemme use your hair for tutorials.." I said as she immediately rebutted it and tried fleeing. "No way! I'm not letting you ruin my hair today too.." she said as I caught her wrist and dragged her onto me on the bed. "I promise this is going to be different... I'm actually well equipped with this one..a veteran I must say!" I bragged as she pouted and made a face of disapproval.

"Okay fine! Lemme just make a single braid here so you could see how improved I've become..." I said as she reluctantly gave in and allowed me to make the braid and thankfully, it turned out pretty great but Bella would simply just not accept that fact. "Ewww!! It's disgusting! Ewww! Ewww! No!! Eww!! It looks like a Spirogyra! Eww!!" Bella screamed out dramatically as I grabbed her into me and tickled her nonstop making her scream all over the place.

"How dare you insult my work! I'm an expert on these things duhh... You just lack the eye for real beauty..." I said as she emancipated herself and ran off into her room.
"You're the worst!!!" She teased as she went away into Lisa's room which was basically hers now.

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