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Thankfully Yusuf got better but there was another issue, he was in a very gigantic denial of which he claimed his brother is still alive. Can't blame him though, I went through similar phase when my sister died just that for me I didn't have visuals of her like he is having of his brother right now.

"Yusuf you have to calm down... Care is...*Shut up Issa! Just for once in your damn selfish life shut the fuck up! He's my brother! I can't feasibly feel him right now and I'm telling you he's alive... I don't need you telling me otherwise... Please just leave me the fuck alone*" He snapped at me which made me burst into tears instantly. I get that he was sad and angry and all but does he have any idea what's it's like fir me also?

I really wish I could bamboozle myself into thinking that Care is still alive but I've been there and it sucks more than anything because at the end of the day the truth will always be at the back of your head and will hunt you every second. Carex was my best friend, my brother, my advisor, my everything! And now he's gone and the fact that he thinks he's the only one hurting just makes him more selfish than he thinks I am.

I just stood up from his bed and darted outside in angry tears. I was standing outside the room where Yusuf was the I noticed my phone ringing and surprisingly, it was from Carex's mother, Mrs Hermione but I call her Mrs Hermy.

....................CALL ONGOING........................
MRS HERMIONE:Hey Lee? Where are you right now?
ISSADORA: Uhm...uhm... I... I...uhm.. sorry uhm... I'm at school why?
MRS HERMIONE: Lee don't lie to me. I know you're at your uncle's facility... Tell me did you see my husband there? Is my baby boy okay? (*Issa sobs silently*)
ISSADORA:I don't know your deal for real... I mean you guys are the ones that gave up on him in the first place... Rylie's dead *sobs* and as for your husband, he is just right here standing in a few inches away from me. It's just a three steps ahead that's stopping ne from breaking his neck right now... You both could go fuck yourselves for all I care! Rylie was really right... You're both monsters!
HERMIONE: Wait Lee I can ex...
..........................CALL ENDS..........................
I broke into loud tears as everyone watched me at the back of their eyes. The audacity!  Maybe Rylie was actually right about his parents, perhaps I should have let him stayed at my place instead of sending him out to his parents for him to make up with them. Now that I've come to think of it, I can't help but think about how much of a bad friend I'd been to him. He was always there for me every second I needed him and look how long it took me to even realize his disappearance was out of the ordinary.

Yusuf and I were made to go back home as Uncle Tommy seriously cautioning us not to mention a word to anyone about Carex's disappearance. I mean what exactly could we tell people by the way? That he was a clone with extraordinary abilities? And that I'm also a mutant with a mutant adoptive sister? I mean no one would even believe us anyways so we kept our mouths shut and shut ourselves out from the entire world.

"What do you mean you don't know where you are? Check around what do you see? Just give me something solid and I'll come pick you up please... Give me something that'll make me know I'm not losing it..." Yusuf blurted out again as we sat on the plane heading back home. It felt so sad watching him cling to his brother like that. I knew they loved eachother but I never knew it was to this extent. Either ways I guess there's nothing that I could really do to help so I just sat back crying myself to sleep till we reached home.

Yusuf's mom was already at my house waiting and surprisingly Mr Brooklyn was also there I mean, how could that be possible when I just saw him a few moments ago with uncle Tommy before our departure? Honestly nothing really makes sense. Immediately I got down I just ran off and hugged my parents real tight as I cried my heart out. "No no no no no... No!!! Tell me he's not dead... Tell me he's not dead! Tell me please tell me that my boy is still alive!!" Carex's mother muttered out as she surprisingly wailed like a banshee.

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