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I had no idea where to go or even who to talk to, but I'm pretty sure if Lisa were alive right now, she would have been there for me. Learning such a huge mystery about my birth just rendered absolutely broken and I don't understand why they expected me to handle the situation any better.

I mean I just realized I'm a total freak and a copycat of a dead person and trust me when I tell you that hurts so bad. I didn't know what to do, where to go, or even who to talk to. As I roamed about in the town, I found myself sitting on the grave of Lisadora as I narrated how bleak everything was turning. "I don't even know what to do anymore... I mean what's worth living for anyways? I'm barely human anyways...My family practically despises me now for the mistake that they caused themselves and now I'm left with figuring out on my own how to  control myself from blistering people alive or worse." I said as I laid right on her grave.

For some unknown reason I felt quite comforted being there although she wasn't able to reply me or even tell me how she loved me and comfort me that everything is going to be just fine even though it wasn't. Unlike everyone else Lisa never tried to fix me or make me anything that I'm not and she never judged me and for that, she'd always be my best friend and my best person ever. I nearly fell asleep on her grave till I heard a familiar voice coming from above me. "This is so creepy dude..." Issadora uttered as she looked down at me holding a rather stunning wreath.

"Oh my God Issa! You scared the shit out of me!" I said startled as I hastily stood up. "Dude you can't be coming here like that... people would suspect something.." she warned. "You think I care about people at this stage? People took everything from me including my best friend,my family and my entire existence so yeah, I don't think I really give a shit about people right now..." I said as she turned rather sad.

"Hey... what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly. Issa and I have been talking on the phone for a while but I didn't really consider it anything huge since she is never the one to care too much. Although we were barely friends but she seemed genuinely interested in my situation and it's not like I have anyone to talk to so I ended up opening up to her about everything and she turned utterly speechless.

"I sat on the graveyard grounds totally astonished to the core as I listened to Carex narrate what he's been going through of late. " you're a clone? Like an actual clone??" I asked him still trying to process everything.

"No I'm not... You're so dumb!" He mumbled out beginning to get annoyed by my absurd questions. "Hey it's not that I'm judging or anything... I just had an entirely different idea about clones... I thought they are like some robots or something you know... Wow!" I muttered out as he angrily got up and nearly stormed off but I caught his hands and I immediately wished I hadn't.

"Ouch!!! Dude!!! That's so cool!" I muttered out feeling immensely amused by his unusual abilities even though he literally burnt my hands and it hurt as hell. "Wait really? You're serious?" He asked as he turned around and looked at me surprised. "Hell yeah! And mind you... you're not the only freak here..  I'm also one..." I said. "What do you mean by that?" He asked looking confused as I ended up telling him everything that had happened to me of late and the time we both realized, we were actually bonding like for real. "So you see why no one can know I'm Issa? I want revenge for my sister and nothing of any sort would ever stop me....which is why you gotta help me..." I said as he just stood there expressionless but nodded either ways. "Yeah...yeah..  I'm down. I want vengeance too" he muttered out and just like that, we became fast friends.

"No! No! Don't look at me like that... " He muttered out as he caught me staring at him. "What?" I asked chuckling. "Those eyes and that particular way you stared at me, you looked almost like Lisa... That's exactly how she looks at me... I mean how she used to look at me..." He explained as he turned all sad and so did I. "I'm sure she's happy to see you and I finally getting along..." I said smiling. "Yeah bet.." he replied as we both bursted out laughing.

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