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'Because holding your fingertips is golden. 

I fucking love you, I treat my problems like a bowling ball  

I grip and keep holding on 


You're my Girlfriend.. you're my Girl (Whether you like it or not!).'

She had grown to realize that David was a sex-maniac.

She was completely worn out from all the lovemaking.

David seemed to never have enough, when she thought he was satisfied, he'd enthrall her all over again.

He had a show tonight and Lana was delighted to accompany him as his date.

He had asked her in the sweetest way, he was so adorable sometimes, even though she never told him, he'd say something like:" Do not unman me Lana!"

She quietly laughed to herself.

"What is it?" David asked as he drove them to the venue.  

"Nothing." She snubbed him.  

His eyes were burning holes through the side of her.  

"Tell me."He demanded.

What a maniac, 

She thought to herself.

"It was nothing; something stupid, carry on with your driving, old man." She teased.  

David grinned wickedly, still not appreciating her disregard to him. 

"Don't challenge me, Lana. You will lose." He threatened.

That's the last time she'll joke with him. 

"Jeez, keep your hair on Mr. Gandy."She coaxed.

David slid his hand firmly onto her thigh and squeezed.

His fingers skimmed her lovely silk dress and danced above her thigh.  

He was entering dangerous territory, she knew what this would lead to.

Lana squealed when his hand hovered over her sex.

She swat his hand away and pulled her dress down.

David smiled at himself.

"I don't like you." She muttered irritated.  

"That's a blatant lie." He shot back arrogantly. 

She huffed and continue to look out the window.

They reached the venue and Lana left the car. 

David was immediately at her side and pushing her against the smooth car door.

Lana laughed lightly.

David's nose brushed against hers and their eyes glimmered with coquetry and lust.

David could no longer hold back, he was weak-willed when it came to his woman. 

He kissed her.

An earth-shattering kiss.

Lana had to catch her breath and David pulled her chin upwards, wanting to stare into her emerald eyes.

My beauty, 

he though tenderly.

He knew if he uttered those words, Lana would burst into laughter and ruin his romantic moment.

They teased each other's lips.

David had momentarily forgotten his surroundings and Lana was too busy admiring David's handsome face and sculptured lips.

It took him by surprise when she snuck past him and towards the venue.

She skipped away and looked back at a smirking David.

She met him at the door and she offered her hand to him.

David gladly took it and walked inside.

He pulled Lana backstage, earning several looks.

Lana was subjected to glares and snarky comments.

She squeezed David's hand and he seemed unfazed by this attention.

He took Lana to his station where his make up artist and wardrobe assistant stood.

His cover-up was being applied when he pulled Lana into his lap. 

His make-up artist shrieked.

David persuaded her to let Lana remain in his lap.

Lana tried to leave David when he changed, but he insisted she stay by his side.

She hid her eyes when he was naked, and David's laugh boomed through the room.

"I'm not shy. 

I don't mind, Lana." He teased. 

He took her hands into his and she resorted to shutting her eyes.

"Am I that ugly?" He faked hurt.

Lana peeked and saw he was half dressed.

Good Enough.

She smiled at him and kissed him dearly.

"You're beautiful." She cooed.

David pulled on his megawatt smile and kissed her all over.

He became more zealous with his kisses, that they almost fell over each other.

Fools in love.

Lana and David's love for each other was unconditional and pure.

They held on to each other greatly and David's manager interrupted their reverie of amour.

David was frustrated with his manager.

He turned towards him, flaming with anger.

"David, you're on in 5.  

Get going buddy." His boss persisted.

David shot him one last glare and took Lana with him.

He fixed his tie, but sighed in irritation as it would not cooperate.

Lana smiled sympathetically and assisted him with his tie.

He let her intervene and took this moment to admire her beauty.

When she was finished, he took her by the waist and kissed her fervorly.

They moaned once their tongues blended together.

Lana shoved him regaining her alertness.

"Baby, stay here." He whined. 

Lana caressed his cheek and kissed him one last time. 

"I'm sorry, honey.  

I have to be seated." 

She spoke rushed. 

David did not want her to leave. 

He pulled her in for another passionate kiss and she managed to slip away.

"I love you,baby!" He hollered. 

"I love you!" She flirted back and sped off.


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