♡ | PARADISE | ♡ 12: HIM

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'These hearts adore, 

Every other beat the other one beats for 

Inside this place is warm 

Outside it starts to pour 

Coming down 

One love, two mouths 

One love, one house 

No shirt, no blouse 

Just us, you find out.'

David insisted Lana stay with him the night and it was the first time he let a girl sleep in his bed without any sexual contact.

It felt nice to appreciate the simplicities of life.

He cradled her in his arms, as she was sound asleep.  

Before she fell asleep, they spoke of family, past relationships and careers.

He wanted to share everything with her and know all there was to know about her.

His love for her grew by the second, although he was unaware of know these growing feelings.  

Regardless, he wanted to spend time with her, kiss her, embrace her and of course spend countless nights losing himself inside her.

David's smile grew drastically.  

Lana shifted in his embrace and she snuggled closer against him.  

He pressed his face against her head and got a whiff of her tantalizing smell.

This must be heaven, he thought.

I awoke the next morning, feeling completely revived and refreshed. 

Was last night all a dream?  

We kissed, right?

I looked up at him and he was soundless asleep.  

I shifted in his arms, to get up, but he pulled me back in.  

I squealed, incredulously and turned back to face him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He rasped.  

"I was just.." He cut me off.  

"All that stuff can wait, for now you sleep with me." He demanded. 

I smiled ridiculously and fell back against the softness of the pillow.

We slept for a few hours, and then we layed and talked.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.  

"Find out a way to seduce you into staying with me." He spoke blatant.  

"You want me to stay?" I asked. 

"You are mine, now and I expect you to be by my side."

Wow, so last night was not figment of my imagination.

David is such a little sweetheart!

"You're blushing, Lana." He teased.  

"Oh, shut up!" I scolded. 

"Feisty." He continued to mock.

We we're becoming more playful with each other.

I liked this. 

I liked how we were. 

It was simple.

I just wanted more, that's all I asked for.

"David, I have to leave." I spoke somberly.  

"No, you don't."  

"Marina, we'll be waiting for me."I explained.  

"She can wait."  

"David, I can't not go." 

"Fine, I shall accompany you."  

My eyes gaped at him.  

Let's not hope he regrets this.

It felt so weird to see this beautiful man standing in the centre of my house.

He looked so out of place.

"Lana, babe! I didn't think you'd come back this early, seeing as you were busy with..........oh you have a guest."  

Marina cut herself off.

"Hello, David." She greeted.  

"Marina, how are you?"  

"I'm fine thanks, yourself?"  

"Very well."

"Lana, I won't intrude any longer."  

I embraced her in a tight hug and she carried along.

Now, David would make me go back to his loft. 

Oh deary me, I don't think I'm ready to be alone with him again.

I went and made myself busy in the kitchen.  

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm going to make breakfast."  

"No, don't.  

I want to take you out for brunch. It's already half past twelve, Lana."

He was right.  

I turned towards him.  

He walked in closer and rested his hands on my sides.

Oh gosh, it felt so good to feel his touch. 

His warm hands on me. 

I loved his touch, I was a slave for his touch.

"Let me treat you to brunch, love." 

"Okay." I accepted.  

David played with the ends of my hair. 

"You have lovely hair." He complimented. 

" And you are beautiful, Lana."

I wasn't expecting that to hear that.  

My face flushed.

Why did he have this affect on me?

It was just a compliment, wasn't it?

No, to me it was a praise.

I felt as though he loved me.

Was I a hopeless romantic or delusional?


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