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Chapter Four

Zia and I were at a party; the music was loud and the atmosphere was vibrant.

"Zia, you look stunning tonight," I said with all my heart.

"Thank you, Eli. This party is something, isn't it?" Z replied with a smile.

Just as Zia finished her sentence, a familiar figure emerged from the crowd. It was Marco, Zia's ex-boyfriend.

"Zia, long time no see," Marco said as he was about to kiss Z on her cheek, but Zia stopped him from doing it.

"Marco, what are you doing here?" Zia said, uncomfortable.

"It's a party, isn't it? I have every right to be here. Just like old times, right?" he replied, smirking.

"Those times are over, Marco," Zia said, trying to look calm.

Seeing Zia's discomfort, I decided to step in.

"Marco, I think you've said enough. Zia doesn't want to talk to you," I said, giving Marco a warning look.

"And who are you to decide that?" Marco replied, looking upset.

"I'm someone who respects Zia's decisions—something you never learned to do," I said calmly.

After I said that, I took Zia's hand and led her away from Marco.

I felt that Zia was holding my hand tightly as she silently followed me. When we were away from the crowd, Zia stopped walking, so I turned to her.

"Thank you, Eli. I didn't expect to see him here," she said.

"You don't have to thank me, Zia. We're here to enjoy the party, not to dwell on the past. Let's go have some fun in our condo instead," I said, smiling.

Zia agreed, and we left the party and went straight to Zia's condo.

We were inside the car, and the hum of the engine and the soft music playing on the radio filled the silence. I glanced over and saw Zia looking at me, her eyes filled with a certain warmth and affection. I felt a flutter in my chest, but I was afraid to ask Zia about it. So I decided to lighten the mood with some silly questions on my mind.

"Zia, if you could be any animal, what would you be?" I asked her all of a sudden.

Zia, taken aback by my sudden question, smiled before she spoke.

"Hmm, I think I'd be a bird. I've always wanted to fly," she answered.

"A bird, huh? That's interesting. What about food? If you could be any food, what would you be? "I asked again.

"Food? That's a weird question, Eli. But I suppose I'd be a mango. Sweet, a bit tangy, and loved by many," she answered again.

"A mango, hmmm? That's a good choice. What about colour? If you could be any colour, what would you be?" I asked as I focused my eyes on the road.

"I think I'd be the colour of your eyes, Eli," Zia answered seriously.

I was surprised by her answer. I glanced at her. She was still looking at me, her eyes filled with the same warmth and affection.

"The colour of my eyes, that's... that's a nice colour," I replied, stuttering.

Zia just nodded her head and said nothing. We continued our journey, the car filled with an uncomfortable silence and the unspoken words of affection hanging in the air.

After a long and silent journey, we finally arrived at the condo, the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the windows. Zia broke the silence with an unexpected question.

"Eli, aren't you curious about why I said I'd be the colour of your eyes if I could be any colour?" she asked, suddenly making me feel nervous.

I was caught off guard, and it took me a moment to respond.

"Well, Zia, I didn't want to push you into explaining something you might not be comfortable with," I said, trying to stay calm.

"But I want to tell you, Eli. I want you to know," she said, not taking her eyes off me.

Sensing the sincerity in her voice, I decided to ask the question that had been on my mind.

"Alright, Zia. Why do you like the colour of my eyes? "I asked her, smiling.

Zia looked at me; her gaze was soft and affectionate.

"Because they're the most beautiful colour I've ever seen. They're warm, inviting, and full of kindness. They remind me of home, of safety. They're the colour I want to wake up to every morning and the last colour I want to see every night. That's why I love the colour of your eyes, Eli," she replied.

I was touched by her words, which made me speechless.

"Thank you, Zia. That's... that's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me." was my only answer.

She just smiled at me, I don't know what happened to Zia because, as the days passed, she became weird, and the way she talked to me changed a lot. And I don't like it because I sense that there's something wrong with her. I liked the old Zia, the cold and bossy one.

Just when I thought that we were done talking, Zia suddenly spoke again.

"Eli, let's go to the balcony. I wanted to show you something," she said, walking towards the balcony. I followed her and stood beside her, then I saw her look up at the sky.

"Eli, have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered about the constellations?" she asked, her eyes looking above.

"Yeah, I find them fascinating—the way the stars align to form patterns and stories," I replied.

She smiled, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Well, you see, Eli, I believe that our connection is like a constellation. Each star represents a moment, a memory, or a feeling that we've shared," she said, but this time she looked at me.

I looked at Zia with curiosity and anticipation in my eyes.

"Go on, Z; I'm listening," I said.

Zia pointed towards the night sky, tracing an imaginary constellation with her finger.

"This star right here symbolizes the first time we met—the spark that ignited our friendship—and this one represents the laughter we've shared, the inside jokes that only we understand," she said as I could see happiness in her eyes.

I followed Zia's finger, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"And this star signifies the support and comfort we've given each other during difficult times. It's a reminder of how we've been there for one another, no matter what," she continued.

My eyes met Zia's; a mix of wonder and realization drew a tear from my face.

"And this final star, Eli, it represents something more. It holds the depth of my feelings for you, the love that has blossomed in my heart," she said, her voice above a whisper.

I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Zia, are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked her.

Zia nodded, a shy smile gracing her face.

"Yes, Eli. I'm confessing my feelings for you. Our constellation is a reflection of the love I have for you," she replied.

"Zia, I appreciate your heartfelt confession, and it means a lot to me that you opened up to me," I started.

Zia looked at me, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"But I have to be honest with you. Right now, I'm not ready to enter into a romantic relationship," I added.

Zia's face fell, disappointment evident in her expression.

"It's not because of anything lacking in you, Zia. It's about my journey and where I am in life. I need to focus on myself, my goals, and my growth before I can fully commit to a relationship," I explained.

Zia nodded, trying her best to understand my perspective.

"I appreciate your honesty, Eli. I understand that everyone has their timing and priorities," she said, looking into the distance.

I reached out and gently held Zia's hand, offering her reassurance.

"Please know that your confession means a lot to me, and our friendship is incredibly important to me. I hope we can continue to support and care for each other, even if it's not in a romantic context," I said.

Zia managed to manage a small smile.

"Of course, Eli. Our friendship is valuable to me too. I'm glad we can still be there for each other," she replied.

And with that, we shared a bittersweet moment of acceptance, knowing that our bond would remain strong despite the unrequited romantic feelings. We continued our journey together, with the hope that our paths may align in the future when the timing is right.

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