Chapter 7

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Becky gazed into Freen's eyes as she loomed over her. She sunk further into the couch as Freen stared her down with her big round eyes that seemed dark now. Had they always looked this dark and intense? They were almost consuming. Her heart began beating fast and her breathing shortened into short quick breaths. "I can't stay the night. My parents might notice and be worried." Freen kept staring at her from her eyes to her lips and didn't say anything. Becky licked her lips and trembled under her. She felt vulnerable but powerful at the same time. Freen seemed to lean in and take a whiff of her as Becky closed her eyes. "Call your sister and notify her. You are not leaving my watch tonight."

She stood up suddenly and headed to the kitchen. Becky regained her breath and sat up straight. She thought for a moment and she felt torn. Was she actually considering this ludicrous request? She was excited at the thought of spending the night at this beautiful mysterious strangers house but she also felt concerned with the thought of staying. With the recent crime around it felt scary to think of following a stranger's commands. Everything in the back of her mind was telling her not to stay but her beating heart begged her to obey. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and looked at the contact for her sister. She hesitated with her finger going back and forth and looked up at Freen who was preparing something in the kitchen. "Fuck it." She whispered as she hit the call button.


"C'mon pick up."


"Hey Laila!"
"Yea? Why are you calling me?"
"I need you to do me a favor."
"Where are mom and dad?"
"I don't know."
"Where are you?"
"In my room."
"Can you discreetly go check?"
"Bruh.. why? Where are you?"
"Please Laila?"
" [sigh] Fine. [long pause] They are in their room probably asleep. Their light is out."
"[sigh of relief] Ok good. I need you to go to my room and put some pillows under my bed covers so it looks like I'm sleeping."
"Huh? Why? Are you not coming home?"
"Ummm... not exactly."
" [small silence] Are you okay?"
" Yeah, I'm safe. I think. I just need to do something and won't be home. Can you cover for me?"
"Uhh... okay."
"Awesome! Thanks! I owe you! Bye."
"Umm... be safe okay?"
"Uh yeah. You too."
"K. Bye."
"Bye. Love you."

Becky sighed and looked at her phone lock screen. The time read 8:55pm and a grumpy photo of Laila hugged by Becky smiling looked back at her. She fought the nerves in her stomach telling her she was doing something crazy and clicked the lock button turning the screen black.

"Here." Freen placed a tea on the coffee table and sat on the couch. Becky looked at the tea and then back to Freen. She took the cup hesitantly and questioned if she should drink it. "I'm not going to hurt you." She stood up and headed back into the kitchen. After a few minutes she came and stood in front of Becky. "C'mon." Becky still looked at her with caution until Freen reached her hand out. Becky looked at it but took it and let her lead her. Freen led her to the dining room where she pulled out a chair for her and offered her to sit. Becky took a seat and noticed she had warmed up the burger she had purchased at the diner earlier. "Oh, thanks! I had forgotten about this." Freen nodded as she took a seat on the other side and watched her.

"Are you not eating anything?" She asked noticing nothing in front of her but a small cup of coffee. She shook her head no. "Here, why don't we share?" Becky reached for her food but Freen interrupted her. "No need. I'm not hungry." Becky looked at her doubtfully as she looked like she could eat her then and there with that hungry stare. "Are you sure? It's really not a problem.." Freen stood up and stood next to her. "Don't worry about me darling. I'll make sure to take care of myself later. Eat your food, you must be famished from a long day of work." She reached for a fry and offered it to Becky who shyly took it." She smiled and went back to her seat. She continued to watch Becky as she sipped her coffee.

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