Chapter 10

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After a very awkward lunch, Charlotte and Richie dismissed themselves to go back to work, but not without Charlotte grazing Engfa's back as she left while making eye contact with Becky in a sign of marking her territory. Freen also dismissed herself looking sadly at Becky but giving Engfa a cold stare. Becky breathed a sigh of relief once it was just Engfa and her and sipped her drink. "You felt that too?" Engfa asked. Becky looked up surprised but smiled and nodded relieved that she had not imagined the strange atmosphere. "Yea, that was... strange." Engfa laughed and called the waitress over. "Can we get some of your house pie?" She nodded and walked away. "What's so funny?" Becky asked feeling like she missed something. "Don't you see it?" They took the pie that was set before them and each took a spoonful. [ With a full mouth] "See what?" Becky felt so lost and out of the loop.

"Girl... she likes you!" Becky looked at her with a puzzled look. "Who?" Engfa facepalmed herself. "Freen of course! Do you not see how jealous she gets when I tried to wipe your mouth or feed you?" Becky blushed. "What do you mean? Engfa sighed and placed her hand on Becky's shoulder. "Oh honey, you are so young and naive. I did that on purpose to get a reaction out of her. I wanted to see if she liked you. Did you not see how upset she looked and sad?" Becky pondered for a moment and shook her head. She didn't see what Engfa meant as Freen seemed normal to her. "Mmmm.. honestly I didn't see anything. The only thing I noticed is that Charlotte does not like me. Did you see the way she looked at me when you wiped my face? I thought surely she would jump across the table and strangle me." Engfa laughed. "Now I'm the blind one. [ Laughs] Charlotte seemed normal to me, but she is the jealous type so I can see that." They both laughed and finished their pie before returning to work.

It was now evening and Becky was heading home. They had not found anything significant to help solve the case and she was feeling somewhat defeated. "Hey Becky!" Engfa ran after her as they stood in the parking lot. "Hey, what's up?" Engfa handed Becky her phone and smiled. "I just wanted to ask for your number so we can stay in touch outside of work in case you ever need anything or if you find anything interesting concerning the case. Becky smiled a friendly smile and nodded. She quickly typed her number in and handed the phone back over. "Great, I'll send you a text so you can save my number. Have a good night!" Becky smiled and waived. She reached her car and began to drive away when she noticed someone that looked familiar walking on the side of the road. "Freen?" She rolled her window down and repeated herself. Freen looked up and smiled slightly but continued to walk with a somber look on her face.

"Freen, where are you going?" Freen stopped and looked at her and shrugged. "I'm not sure. I went for a walk and my feet led me here." Becky looked at her confused but simply laughed and shook her head. "Interesting... can I offer you a ride home?" Freen thought for a moment and decided to get in. Becky began driving and asked her for the address as she pulled up her gps. "Actually I'm not ready to go home. Can I just ride with you to your destination and I'll walk home from there?" Becky looked at her in disbelief and remained quiet for a moment. "So you want to ride with me to my house and then walk home? Are you okay?" Freen nodded and said nonchalantly, "I like to walk, it clears my mind." Becky nodded in understanding and they rode in silence for a moment.

"So... do you like her?" Freen suddenly asked avoiding eye contact. Becky looked at her in confusion. "Who?" Freen sighed and rolled her eyes. "Engfa." She nearly whispered. Becky looked at her with disbelief. "No way! She's not only way older than me, but she's like an older sister. Why do you ask?" Freen looked relieved and shrugged. "You two seemed close at the diner." Becky laughed. "No way, she's just being nice." Freen raised her eyebrows in disagreement. "That's not what it looked like." She mumbled. "What do you mean, we were just eating." Freen scoffed. "Looked like she wanted to eat you. With the wiping your face and feeding you and eating the food you just bit." Becky looked over at her suspiciously. "You sound a little... jealous." Freen looked away and mumbled. "I'm not jealous... just observant." Becky hummed. "Mm-hm... wait a minute. How did you know about her eating from the food that I bit? That was before you came in?" She asked in an accusatory voice.

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