Yuki's Ingame Operator Stats

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Red on black, friend of Jack. Red on Yellow, kill a fellow. Blue on black, no fighting back.

Operator Coral, commonly known as the serpentine wanderer ready to aid everyone in battle with his poison-based arts.


A picture of a young boy and his mother. Despite it's simplicity, it still tells a story of a simpler time.

Used to improve the potential of Coral.

Birthday: July 16th

Class: Guard

Subclass: Reaper


Cannot be healed by allies

Attack all enemies within range

Recovers 50 HP with every enemy hit (up to Block count)

Talents: [At E2]


Killing instinct:

For every unit killed while Coral is on the field, he gains +4 Attack and Attack Speed. (stacking up to 15 stacks) upon 15 stacks, he spreads a poison mist across the whole map, dealing 10% of attack as arts damage to all enemies on the map. Poison mist disappears once Yuki is either retreated or defeated and must be stacked up again if redeployed.

Gift of the Bivirgatus:

After any status effects [stun, cold/freeze, bind etc] that take place within Coral's range is binded for an extra second. If Talent 1 is at full stacks, this effect is global.

Skills: [At E2]


Skill 1: Bivirgatus Toxin

Offensive recovery, auto cast.

Sp cost: 3 {at level 7}

The next attack hits twice dealing physical damage and binds all enemies in range for 1 second

Skill 2: Toxin overload [at E2]

Auto recovery, manual trigger.

Sp Cost: 40 {at level 7}

Initial Sp: 15

Duration: 20 seconds

Attack range expands {Spreadshooter range}, hitting all ground enemies in range dealing arts damage and binding every target hit for 0.2 seconds.

Skill 3: Ceaseless Hunger [at E2]

Auto recovery, manual trigger.

Sp Cost: 50 {At level 7}

initial sp: 10 {at level 7}

duration: 30 seconds

Attack interval increased {+50%} dealing increased physical damage.

If Talent 1 is fully stacked:

Attack interval decreased {+75%} dealing increased physical damage. Attacks now increase the effect of talent 1 by {+0.25%} for 0.5 seconds. Attacks will now defeat any non-boss enemy under 10% health.

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