Chapter Thirteen

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I turned around in an instant and my eyes flew wide open when I saw a boy just around my age, standing right in front of me.

And he wasn't Miller.

"Oh my god. Were you standing behind me this whole time?" I asked him, a hand flying over my mouth in horror.

I distinctly remembered Theo telling me not to say anything other than a yes or a no, but I couldn't help myself. I was truly terrified to even think that this light-haired boy had been following me since God knows when.

His light brown hair was long enough to fall over his eyes— eyes which were the exact same shade as his hair. And he was grinning cheekily at me as if I was some sort of candy he'd just been rewarded with.

"Oh yes. Yes I was," he said, still grinning.

My expression morphed into another one of pure horror and disbelief. I whipped my head around to try and find where Miller disappeared to. He wasn't anywhere near me, but standing near an opened fridge in one corner of the huge lounge.

"Why did you not tell me someone was behind me this whole time?" I asked him worriedly. Perhaps Miller had known all along and didn't say anything about it because well... this was Theo we were talking about.

He didn't really care about anything, if we're being honest here.

"Oliver likes to creep people out." Another voice came from the hallway, beside the huge staircase.

I looked over where the voice seemed to come from and found another boy, a redhead this time, wearing big framed glasses that put a nerdy and cute effect on him.

I didn't know this house had a variety of... good looking boys. Except Miller, of course.

"I do not." The person behind me— Oliver —stated a little defensively, then added almost immediately, " actually. It is kind of my job, you see."

I stared at him speechlessly, trying to figure out the meaning behind his words.

What the fuck was this place?

I was about to face Theo and ask him the obvious question when sudden running footsteps, from the same hallway, interrupted me.

And even though I tried stepping out of the way, I clearly failed when someone slammed right into me.

With a loud groan, I stumbled back and fell down on the floor, right on my butt.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed, my irritation growing.

"Ouch," I heard Oliver murmur behind me, and even though he hadn't prevented me from falling, he did sound a bit genuine there.

The sudden loud voices made me look up.

"What the hell, Shane! Give me back my phone!" One of the two boys shouted and he had his back towards me, facing another boy with messy blond hair.

The latter smirked, holding up a phone in his hand, and I think nobody saw it coming when he tossed it over his shoulder. Which somehow landed quite perfectly in Miller's glass of water, knocking it out of his hand.

I flinched at the impact of both of the things shattering.

"What the fuck?" Miller sounded exasperated, almost as if he wished he wasn't so used to this.

Judging by the way he hadn't yet thrown a punch or two yet, these people must've been close to him.

I think I knew Miller pretty well, and he didn't let much disrespect slide before he eventually acted out. And it's safe to say that nobody wanted to be around him when that happened.

I broke out of my thoughts when the other boy whose phone was now in a watery mess, rushed towards it and started cussing out loud. Now that he didn't have his back towards me, I got a pretty good look at him.

All of these boys could be models!

"Oh, who brought this piece of beauty?" The blond guy, Shane, looked down at me and the smirk slowly stretched on his lips. He walked towards me and cocked his head to the side. "And why are you on the floor?"

I glanced behind me to look at Oliver, but to my surprise, he wasn't even there anymore. My mind was having trouble keeping up with so many new faces at once with so much happening in such a short amount of time, and I was on the floor?

"Shane, you better watch out, you fucker!" The unknown guy spoke up from somewhere in the lounge, sounding furious. I did feel for him. Having your phone thrown a hundred feet across must feel awful.

Shane, on the other hand, didn't even apologize before giving me a hand. I cautiously took it before he pulled me up, his eyes raking my attire.

"I love your outfit."

And even though he was probably just making fun of me, I couldn't help but swoon a bit over his un-American accent.

I anxiously pulled my shorts down and thanked him. I seriously needed a break. And a little catching up to do.

"Stop being a bitch, Liam," he then said, turning away from me.

"She is the girl, Shane," Oliver said before slinging an arm over my shoulders as if personal space wasn't a matter these days.

I looked at him in surprise. I could've sworn on my life he wasn't standing anywhere near me a few seconds ago.

Okay. What the hell was I doing here?

Shane's eyes widened in some sort of realization. "You mean that girl?" He asked, completely ignoring me now, and directing his attention at Oliver.

They both were starting to creep me out now.

Oliver grinned and nodded.

"What girl? I don't know any girl— wait, I know you!" Liam looked up at me from his dead phone. "Aren't you Madison? Oh no wait. Tabitha? Theo, I can't keep up. Who's this?"

I opened my mouth to correct him but Theo interrupted me first,

"Shut the fuck up." Miller said. Seriously, what was going on?

"You know her? And how come I don't?"

"Because you're a fucking dumbass, obviously," Shane glared at him.

Liam seemed to ignore his remark as he stepped closer to me with the same mischievous smirk. "I'm terribly sorry. What's your name, pretty girl?"

"My name is—" I hadn't ever been more grateful when I felt a familiar hand seizing my wrist, jerking me away from Oliver, Liam and Shane.

It was Miller.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut," he glared at me.

I gave him a wounded look. "What the hell do you mean asshole? I did keep my—"

"Oh, so she is the girl. I knew it," Shane said while I heard Liam cussing even more loudly now.

"What do you guys mean by "the girl"?" The nerdy boy asked.

Up close, I noticed his big baby blue eyes. He looked cute with those glasses and a bit younger than the rest of them.

Shane smirked and nudged Oliver. It must've been an inside joke.

"The first girl who gets to know about the mysterious mafia," Oliver said with a smile directed at me.

A few seconds went by in total silence.

"Wait, what?" I asked him, a little dumbfounded as I eventually caught on.

"Oh." Liam said, finally catching on. "That girl."

When no one cared to say anything more, I looked back at Theo and raised my brows. "You mean—"

A mafia?

"The West mafia," Theo stated nonchalantly, then narrowed his eyes at me ever so slightly. "What the hell else were you expecting, Matthews?"

"Aww, you guys. He even has a nickname for her. Isn't that cute?"

Let's just say I was expecting a lot of things, but certainly not this.

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