Engagement and a promise for life

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Ophelia POV

It was now time for my mom to sing the Fearless set which meant that it was time for me and Travis to run backstage and get on the lift to be ready for love story.

Once Travis and I made it on I had the sign I made on white paper sign  like the "You ok?" Sign only mine said "Will you marry me?" On it, we got ready to come up.

Travis' POV

We were now waiting for the cue to go on the lift. I heard 'Love Story' start playing and Ophelia looked at me with excitement in her eyes, I just know Taylor's gonna kill me for temporarily stopping her show.

We go up, the music cuts out and the lights go dark except for the side stage lights that come up from the side of the stage. The crowd keeps singing and Taylor turns around and starts crying as she sees the sign and me on one knee.

She drops the microphone and runs to me. She nods her head yes and I slip the ring on her finger as I stand up she wraps her arms around my head and I pick her up and kiss her. Ophelia pops out and hugs the both of us.

"You got me the Beauty and the Beast ring" she says in between her cries.

"Why are you crying so hard, I thought you wanted to make happy memories in London?" I ask her after I set her down. Everyone is cheering and in shock.

"Because I never thought anyone would marry me especially after being led on for 6 years that I can't get back." She said sniffing into my chest. Once the song ended we got lowered down.

After we got backstage I helped Taylor put the ring on a necklace chain to keep while she preforms the rest of the show.

Ophelia helps her fix makeup and soon she's off to go back on stage.

Taylor's POV

I was on stage singing when all of the sudden the music and lights cut out. I turn around to see Travis on one Knee and Lia holding a sign that says "Will you marry me" I run up to them not caring a fuck what else was going on, in that moment it was just us.

I was sobbing because Joe would have never done this . I never thought I would ever be able to get a happily ever after and get married.

Once we got lifted down from the stage Travis put the ring on a chain and placed it around my neck so it wouldn't slip off my finger. Ophelia helped touch up my makeup and I went up to do the red set.


Once the show was over Taylor went backstage to change and find Travis, she was actually getting married she thought. She was so happy and grateful to of found Travis.

Once they found each other they all collectively went to dinner since Kylie and Jason, Donna and Ed were all leaving that night.

She was finally gonna be Taylor Kelce. She planned on keeping her Maiden name as her stage name but changing her last name to his.

Once dinner was over Andrea, Scott, and Ophelia went back to their hotel rooms. And now it was time for Travis and Taylor to do what they were waiting to do since 3 days ago but couldn't because Kylie and Jason were next door.

Spicy 🥵 scene up ahead 3rd person POV

The energy of Taylor's second show in London still buzzed through her veins as she stepped into the luxury hotel suite after going to dinner with the family & getting engaged, the applause of the crowd echoing in her mind. She had given her all on stage, and now, all she wanted was to melt into Travis's arms.

She was in the bathroom taking off makeup but when she walked out she noticed Travis was waiting for her, leaning against the wall with a smile that made her heart race. His eyes raked over her body, still clad in the glittering stage outfit that had driven the audience wild.
"You were incredible out there," he murmured, pushing off the wall to meet her.
Taylor's smile was coy as she closed the distance between them. "Think you can handle me now?" she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Travis's hands found her waist, pulling her flush against him. "I think I can manage," he growled, capturing her lips in a fierce, hungry kiss. Taylor melted into him, her body igniting with a need that had been simmering all night.
His hands roamed over her body, fingers dancing along  her back before finding the hem of her top. With a swift motion, he pulled it down, letting the fabric fall away to reveal her bare skin beneath. Taylor shivered as the cool air met her heated flesh, her nipples hardening under his intense gaze.
"Beautiful," Travis breathed, his hands sliding up to cup her breasts, thumbs brushing over the sensitive peaks.
Taylor moaned softly, her head falling back as he leaned in to kiss along her neck, his tongue tracing a hot path down her collarbone.

She tugged at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against hers. Travis obliged, shrugging out of the garment and tossing it aside. Taylor's hands roamed over his chiseled chest, nails scraping lightly over his muscles, eliciting a deep groan from him.
Travis's mouth claimed hers again, their tongues tangling in a passionate dance as he guided her toward the bed. He lowered her onto the plush mattress, his body hovering over hers as he gazed down at her with a mixture of lust and adoration.
Taylor's hands slid down to his belt, fumbling with the buckle before finally freeing it and pushing his pants down.
Travis kicked them off, his erection straining against his boxers. Taylor's eyes darkened with desire as she reached for him, her fingers slipping beneath the waistband to wrap around his length.

"God, Taylor," Travis groaned, his hips thrusting forward into her touch. He quickly rid himself of his boxers, leaving them both completely exposed.
Travis's mouth trailed a path down her body, his tongue teasing her nipples before continuing lower. Taylor's breath hitched as he kissed his way down her stomach, his hands spreading her thighs apart. His tongue flicked out to taste her, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips.
"Travis," she moaned, her hips bucking against his mouth. He responded by delving deeper, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony to drive her wild. Taylor's fingers tangled in his hair, her moans growing louder as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge.
"Please," she gasped, her body trembling with need.

Travis didn't make her wait. He moved back up her body, positioning himself at her entrance. He paused, his eyes locking onto hers as he slowly pushed inside, filling her completely. Taylor's head fell back, a cry of pleasure escaping her lips.
Travis set a slow, deliberate pace, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her body. Taylor's nails dug into his back, her legs wrapping around his waist to pull him deeper. Their movements became more frantic, their desire escalating with each passing second.
"Taylor," Travis groaned, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. "I love you."
"I love you too," she breathed, her body tightening around him as she neared her climax.

With a few more powerful thrusts, they both tumbled over the edge, their cries of pleasure mingling in the air. Travis collapsed onto her, their bodies slick with sweat and utterly spent.
They lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the sound of their heavy breathing filling the room. Taylor traced lazy patterns on Travis's back, a contented smile on her lips.
"That was amazing," she whispered.
Travis kissed her softly, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from her face.
"You were amazing."
And as they lay together, the city of London sprawled out beneath them, Taylor knew that this night, like her performance, would be unforgettable.


The next morning was rough both Taylor & Travis woke up to a knock on the door. It was Tree Taylor's Publicist.

"Hey Tree." Taylor said nonchalantly.

"Don't hey me it is 3pm you're supposed to be at rehearsals REMEMBER!"

"Wait it's 3pm I thought it was morning?" Taylor questioned.

"Well you're wrong, go get dressed and we'll drive over.

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