Start of the nfl season

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Travis sat in the dimly lit locker room, the buzz of anticipation hanging in the air. It was the first game of the NFL season, a moment every player on the Kansas City Chiefs had been anxiously awaiting. The room was filled with the familiar scent of sweat and leather, the echoes of camaraderie bouncing off the walls. Yet, amid the excitement and tension, Travis's mind was elsewhere.

In the corner of the room, he glanced at his phone for what must have been the hundredth time that evening. The screen displayed a picture of Taylor Swift, his wife, lying in their bedroom at home, her radiant smile contrasting sharply with the medical equipment surrounding her. At 32 weeks pregnant with triplets, Taylor was on strict bed rest, her condition closely monitored due to the high-risk nature of the pregnancy. A feeding tube was inserted delicately, ensuring she received the necessary nutrients, while a heart monitor constantly tracked her vital signs.

"Hey, man, you ready?" Patrick Mahomes, the Chiefs' star quarterback, clapped a hand on Travis's shoulder, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Yeah, just... thinking," Travis replied, forcing a smile. "You know, the usual pre-game jitters."

Patrick gave him a knowing look but didn't press further. The team needed Travis focused and in the game, yet his friend knew the weight Travis carried off the field.

As the team began their final preparations, Travis's thoughts wandered back to the last conversation he had with Taylor. She had insisted he focus on the game, assuring him that she was well taken care of by the best medical professionals. Still, the image of her frail figure hooked up to machines gnawed at him. It was a stark contrast to the vibrant, energetic woman who commanded stages worldwide.


Taylor lay in bed, still pissed about being on bed rest while the soft hum of the heart monitor a constant presence. She turned her head slightly to glance at the screen, catching a glimpse of the pre-game show. A sense of pride welled up in her as she saw Travis, standing tall and resolute, his game face on. He had always been her rock, and now, more than ever, she wanted to be his.

"Travis is going to do great," she whispered to herself, as if speaking the words aloud would make them true. Her fingers traced the edge of her swollen belly, feeling the faint flutter of the triplets inside her. "We're all cheering for you, Daddy."

The door creaked open, and Andrea, and Ophelia, walked in with a reassuring smile. "How are we doing, Taylor?" Her mom said.

"Just watching the game," Taylor replied, her voice a bit strained. "Trying to keep my mind off things."

Andrea nodded, checking the monitors and adjusting the feeding tube slightly. "You're doing amazing, Taylor. Just keep resting. You're so strong."

Taylor nodded, taking a deep breath. She knew the importance of staying calm and relaxed, for her sake and the babies'. It was a difficult balance, wanting to be present for Travis while ensuring she did everything possible for their unborn daughters.


The stadium roared to life as the Chiefs took the field. Travis felt the familiar rush of adrenaline, the crowd's energy coursing through him. The game was intense from the start, both teams eager to set the tone for the season. Every snap, every play demanded his full attention, yet a part of him was always aware of the phone tucked safely in his locker.

During a timeout, he found a moment to glance at the stands, spotting a section of fans holding signs supporting both him and Taylor. "Kelce Swifties," they called themselves, merging their devotion to Taylor's music with their support for Travis. It brought a smile to his face, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this.

Back at home, Taylor's eyes grew heavy. The exhaustion of the pregnancy, coupled with the emotional strain, made it hard to stay awake. She fought against the pull of sleep, wanting to see Travis's every move, but soon her eyelids fluttered shut. In her dreams, she saw a future where she, Travis, and their three daughters were happy and healthy, sharing moments of joy and love.


The game ended in a thrilling victory for the Chiefs. The locker room erupted in cheers, players congratulating each other on a hard-fought win. Travis, still in his gear, made a beeline for his phone. There were several messages, but one caught his eye immediately. It was from Taylor.

"Congrats, love. We saw the whole game. You were amazing. Can't wait to celebrate with you. All our love, T and the girls."

Travis felt a wave of relief wash over him. Knowing Taylor was watching, that she was safe, gave him the peace he needed. He quickly typed a reply, expressing his love and longing to be home with her. As he hit send, he knew this season would be one of the most challenging of his career, but it would also be the most rewarding. Every game, every moment on the field was for Taylor and their daughters.

As the team celebrated, Travis couldn't wait to get back home. The roar of the crowd, the thrill of victory—none of it compared to the quiet, profound joy of being with his family. He knew the road ahead would be tough, but with Taylor by his side, even from a distance, he felt invincible.

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