The Biker

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Andriya's POV

I woke up to the thought of last night, unable to shake Michael from my mind. Though he was still a stranger, something about him felt so familiar, as if I had known him for a lifetime.

I yawned, feeling too bored to even get up from my bed—it was Saturday, after all. I grabbed my phone to check the time and start my workout, but I noticed a notification from an unknown number. I opened it to see something very unexpected.

"Good Morning Angel, Have a wonderful day. Study well and have your meals on time. I'll be coming to see you in the evening. Will keep you updated throughout the day. Take care."

That's when I remembered giving my number to Michael last night. This text definitely brought a smile to my face. It was nice waking up to such a sweet message.

Sending a quick reply, I got off my bed, ready for my daily prayers. After that, I worked out for some time, had a shower, and went out to grab breakfast. That's when I noticed another notification.

"Did my angel have breakfast?" it read, making me blush.

"Not yet, gonna have it now. How about you?" I sent a quick reply, hoping to sound uninterested because I didn't want to fall in love with a stranger—not this quickly.

I headed downstairs to greet Mama. I gave her a quick good morning hug as she prepped my breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetie," she said.

"Good morning, Mama," I said, sitting down at the kitchen counter.

"How was last night?" Mom asked.

"It was okay, Mom. It was good to have a break," I said, not mentioning anything about Michael. My strict brown parents would freak out if they knew I even talked to a random stranger, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

The day went by smoothly. I studied a lot, did my skincare routine, and it was quite a productive day. As I curled up on my bed, reading my favorite book, I heard a motorbike racing outside.

The sound was so annoying—it kept moving up and down the road in front of my house. Determined to shout at whoever it was for the noise pollution, I went to my balcony. That's when I spotted a huge black racing motorbike, which looked like a Honda CBR 250RR to me. Yeah, I love bikes—I'm a girl, but I'm a huge bike lover, so I knew which bike it was.

 Yeah, I love bikes—I'm a girl, but I'm a huge bike lover, so I knew which bike it was

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The biker spotted me on the balcony and stopped right in front of my house. He was dressed in all black and wore a full-face helmet, so I couldn't identify him. The biker proceeded to remove his helmet.

Oh my god, it was Michael!

"Hiiii!" I found myself jumping on the balcony like a small kid at this unexpected visit.

He smiled, waving back while leaning onto his bike.

"How do you even know where I live?" I asked, but he couldn't hear me because of the distance. So, I ran into my bedroom, grabbed my phone, and started dialing his number.

"Hi, my angel, where did you go?" he said, answering the phone.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked curiously.

"Your highness, would you please mind coming outside to your balcony? I honestly prefer answering your questions while looking at you," he said, sounding like a child.

"Sure, silly," I said, running back to the balcony.

"Yeah, so now answer me," I said, glaring at him from above.

"So, angel, remember you came home yesterday with your dad in the car?" he asked.

"Yes, so?" I asked, rather annoyed.

"Basically, I followed the car here to find your location, duh," he said calmly.

"What the hell!" I nearly screamed, shocked.

"Yes, angel, just don't scream, okay? I knew you wouldn't tell me your location, so I had to figure it out," he said.

Something about his weird ways of stalking made me feel special in a very weird way, but I loved it.

"Fine, but why did you come here?" I asked curiously.

"Well, can't I come to see my angel?" he asked.

"I'm not your angel," I said with a frown.

"Well, not yet, but soon you will be. For you, I might not be your boyfriend, but in my mind, you are already my wife," he said, sending shivers down my spine.

"In your dreams," I said cheekily trying to dismiss the fact.

"Shush, so here, I brought you a little something. How can I give it to you, my angel?" he asked.

"What did you bring?" I asked.

"A chocolate, angel. I know you like it," he said.

"I love chocolates!" I said like a kid.

"Shall I drop it in your post box? Would you be able to collect it?" he asked sweetly.

"Sure, thank you, silly," I said joyfully.

"Mike, thanks for coming, but I think it's best for you to leave now before the neighbors notice or Mom catches you," I said, feeling a bit sad about letting him go.

"Okay, my angel. I don't want to leave you, I want to stare at you forever, but I guess I'm not that lucky," he said, looking quite sad.

We waved goodbye to each other, and he blew a kiss at me before leaving on his bike. I watched as he disappeared down the road.

I went back to reading my book, feeling happier than ever. That's when I heard his bike again. I thought I might be dreaming, but then my phone rang—it was Michael.

"Hi, Mike, what is it?" I asked, worried.

"Angel, I just came back to see you one last time before leaving. Can I?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, blushing.

I ran to the balcony, and there he was, waiting for me. He stared at me for a few more minutes before waving goodbye and leaving.

That night, I couldn't help but smile to myself. This guy makes me smile more than anyone else ever has.

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