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Andriya's POV

I had been stressing all day, unsure of what to wear for the date. It was going to be my first proper date ever, and I was beyond excited. After two hours of turning my wardrobe upside down, I finally found the perfect dress—a black bodycon dress with a flared hem.

 After two hours of turning my wardrobe upside down, I finally found the perfect dress—a black bodycon dress with a flared hem

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As the clock neared 7 PM, I quickly showered, did my makeup, styled my hair, and slipped into the dress. I felt confident as I looked at myself in the mirror. It was 7:55 PM, and the only sounds in my bedroom were the ticking clock and my racing heartbeat.

A knock on the front door broke the silence and pulled me from my thoughts. It had to be Mike. I ran down the stairs, forgetting I was even wearing heels in my excitement. Standing behind the door, I took a deep breath, smoothed my dress one last time, and opened it.

I was greeted with a beautiful bouquet of white roses held by the most charming man in my eyes.

I was greeted with a beautiful bouquet of white roses held by the most charming man in my eyes

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"My angel, you look so gorgeous," Mike said, staring at me with admiration.

"Thank you, you look so handsome too," I replied, a visible blush forming on my cheeks.

He handed me the bouquet and led me to the car.

"Get in, my lady," he said, opening the car door for me with a playful smile. His humor always made me laugh and feel at ease.

On the way to the venue, which was a surprise, he played some of my favourite songs. I felt so blessed by how he paid attention to every small detail—my favourite songs, books, flowers, even a missing ring. He held my hand, singing a few choruses to cheer me up, and I realised just how well he could sing. His kisses on my hand for no reason melted me every time.

We finally reached the venue. Mike opened the car door for me, as always, and I stepped out to witness a breathtaking view. 

It was a beautiful restaurant with a cosy ambiance, illuminated by soft, twinkling lights

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It was a beautiful restaurant with a cosy ambiance, illuminated by soft, twinkling lights.

"Wow, Mike, this place is stunning," I said, looking around in awe.

"I'm glad you like it, angel," he replied, taking my hand and leading me inside.

The night felt magical, and as we walked hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel that this was the beginning of something truly special.

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