Chapter 3

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QOTD: summer plans? 😝

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QOTD: summer plans? 😝

Ardyn arrives early, fifteen minutes till 9 o'clock

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Ardyn arrives early, fifteen minutes till 9 o'clock. He spends another five minutes standing outside the restaurant, trying to psych himself into just yanking the door open and walking in. He texts Prince instead, because he's early okay, and he's definitely not stalling.


8:48 pm

its so fancy im gonna cry

im underdressed


8:49 pm

maybe they'll see ur clothes and buy u new ones


8:49 pm


Ardyn waits one minute, then two, then realizes Prince isn't going to respond. He pockets his phone with a huff.

The inside is just as, if not more, fancy as the outside. There's a host in a full tuxedo to greet him right away and it makes Ardyn's sweater and jeans seem even more simple than they are. He swears the host looks down and judges his outfit—he doesn't—and it makes Ardyn fidget with a million nerves. "For Tine," he smiles unsurely, voice nowhere as confident as he hoped.

"Party of 3, yes." The host grins attractively. "Right this way, sir. The rest of your party arrived earlier."

Ardyn's head spins as he ventures into a completely different tax bracket.

His eyes survey the restaurant cautiously as if waiting for someone to jump up and accuse him of being poor. And he'd truly have no retort, he has more debt than he can stomach to think about. Nobody frames him as a fraud, but he can tell the host is judging his appearance—he's not—so Ardyn's extremely grateful when he stops at a table and holds his arm out. "Sir."

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