Chapter 8

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Ardyn wakes at 6 AM to a private text message from Valen canceling their plans

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Ardyn wakes at 6 AM to a private text message from Valen canceling their plans.

Valen 5:34 AM

I'm sorry, darling, something work related came up last minute that I can't miss. I can't make our plans today but please enjoy your day off. You deserve it.

[100$ transaction]

Ardyn stares at his phone for a morbidly long time. Long enough for his screen to dim, then eventually turn off. He tosses it aside with a slow, sleep-laced blink. There have been better ways to start his morning. In denial, Ardyn falls back against the sheets and snuggles into his pillows. He'll wake up again just in time for class and then speed home to get ready to go to Valen's and Kahili's.

He had it all planned out. Spent all night restless in bed with excitement.

No, he smiles into his pillows. Almost laughs. I'm dreaming.

The next time he wakes up it's 9 AM, he's already missed one class and Valen's text is still glaring back at him when he checks his phone. Horror colors his face when he sits up and reads the time, then disbelief at the text.

He tosses his phone aside once more and sinks off the bed, groaning in disappointment. When Prince doesn't immediately come check on him he groans louder, even kicks his leg into the wall for good measure. He promptly stops his wallowing when Prince throws something against the wall and yells for him to shut the fuck up.

Ardyn's mouth purses.

Class is out of the question. He already missed one and can't bring himself to get ready for the next. He convinces himself he'll study extra today. Homework, he'll do homework.

Valen and Kahili are also out of the question.

He could sleep. Ardyn's eyes drift toward his bed, the wrinkled comforter suddenly appearing so inviting and soft. It calls him like a siren, singing a lullaby he can't resist. Ardyn's always been too self-indulgent with his desires.

Just as he's about to crawl into bed, Prince shoves his door open. "What is your problem?" he hisses. "Do you know what fucking time it is?"

Ardyn stares at him from the floor. "..9:14."

Prince stares back. "..Are you in heat?"

"What? Why would I be on the floor if I was in heat?"

"Are you in heat?" he repeats.

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