Chapter 18

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"—four, two." Ardyn stutters out the remaining numbers to his keypad, ending the difficult speech with a shallow gasp as Valen's fingers press deep. Ardyn's grip on the phone slackens. It falls to his chest as his head tips back and his fist curls into the sheets. His thighs tremble as Valen expertly fingers him.

Valen's pulse thrums in his ears. His fingers never slow their rhythm, curling inside Ardyn to drag out a moan, a deliciously soft sound that hitches when Kahili drops their call. He moans again, higher pitched and trembling under Valen. "You're okay," Valen coos. "He's coming." Valen hears it now, the front door clicking shut. Footsteps heavier than Valen's carry throughout the otherwise silent apartment.

Kahili's reaction is expected.

He steps inside the room, far larger and imposing than Valen had, and drinks in the sight of Ardyn's heat. His hand doesn't linger on the doorknob like Valen's. He walks into the room with purposeful steps and eyes that darken with interest with every passing second he absorbs the two of them together.

Ardyn reaches out toward Kahili, a needy sound escaping his throat.

"Look at you," Kahili marvels, cupping Ardyn's face. His thumbs brush over Ardyn's flushed cheek. "Val's been taking care of you so well, huh? I bet you haven't even thought of me."

Valen, attentive as ever, doesn't miss a beat as he continues to finger Ardyn, each thrust methodical and deliberate. Ardyn's body arches in response, his slick making the movements so smooth. It coats the entirety of Valen's hand wetly. It's oddly obscene. He pushes into that wetness all over again.

Ardyn nuzzles into Kahili's hand, his whimper pitiful.

"I know," Kahili murmurs. "I'm here."

"—lease," Ardyn begs.

Kahili pulls away with the promise that he'll take care of Ardyn. The pup whines in response, distraught when Kahili's warm hand disappears and he's forced to nuzzle against his pillows instead.

Kahili's hand strokes down the back of Valen's head next, eyes attentively taking in his husband as he stands on the side of the bed fully dressed. Valen's dressed too, but his shirt is wrinkled from all the rolling around Ardyn did against it, hands grabbing anywhere they could. It's beginning to untuck in the front, held only together by his thin belt. He feels as disarrayed as he looks. "Good?" Kahili mouths.

Valen nods.

Kahili's hand lingers.

Their eye contact breaks when Ardyn grows more vocal with quiet but insistent whimpers. Valen's fingers aren't enough for him anymore, not with both of them here, not when their scents cloud every coherent thought he was struggling to hold onto. Ardyn falls headfirst into that headspace of submission.

Valen's taken in by his dilated eyes, startlingly dark. He slides his fingers out a final time, dragging them out deliberately slow as he fights the urge the push back into Ardyn's heat and coax him into an orgasm. Valen wants to tease him, but the urge to take care of his every need wins tenfold. He pulls away.

"Don't move," Kahili says, his expression twitching when Valen starts to lean away. Valen pauses, not understanding. He grows even more confused when Kahili's weight dips on the bed, but he positions himself behind Valen, his large chest pressed to Valen's more petite back.


"Touch him," Kahili encourages, his voice a low rumble that makes Valen's hairs stick up. "Look at him, my love. He wants you to fuck him." His words drag down Valen's spine lowly, something intimate between the two of them. He crowds Valen's space, so purposeful and intoxicating as his arms circle his waist. Kahili drags Valen's shirt from his waistband. He slowly unbuckles Valen's belt, and then he utters, "He wants you."

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