Chapter 13

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this story is already at 50k words 😝 not saying i'm a god, but i did start it 3 weeks ago 🧘

this story is already at 50k words 😝 not saying i'm a god, but i did start it 3 weeks ago 🧘

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Valen 8:10 AM

You can bring your roommate.

Ardyn's still sleeping when the second text comes.

Valen 9:40 AM

There's going to be a lot of people.

Prince pauses when he walks into the kitchen and finds Ardyn wearing a cooking apron. Kiss The Chef looks ridiculous on him as he wields a toilet scrubber with the tag still on and beats the kitchen sink. "Prince—hey." Ardyn spins in his direction and breathes deeply. He hits the toilet scrubber on the sink, visibly winded but his chest swollen with pride. "I got that stain out."

Prince is impressed enough to say, "Good job."

"And I made pancakes."

Prince levels a look at the mini stack of three pancakes sitting on a plate. "Those are from the freezer, and I bought them."

"I also organized your video games."

Prince appreciates this one. "Thank you."

"And I did the dishes."

"Before or after you put a toilet scrubber in our sink?"

Ardyn scowls. "It's new."

Prince eyes the wilting tag. He asks, "...What did you do?"

The scrubber suddenly looks like a weapon when Ardyn bats his lashes. His hip cocks and his sleeve falls down to his wrist. Prince thinks he looks equal parts ridiculous and right on the cusp of tempting, but he could just be a little biased. "Why do you think I did something?"

"Because," Prince says slowly, taking a step back when Ardyn approaches. "You did this exact same thing when you stepped on my COD disk."

"You left it on the floor—" The words die, he shakes his head, and then he tries again. His smile is as alluring as it is fake. "I just wanted to do something nice for you."

"Ardyn—put the toilet scrubber down."

Things escalate quickly.

Prince limps in an unknown direction as he tries to shake off Ardyn's grip on his ankle. The toilet scrubber gets lost somewhere in the living room. Prince drags him through the hallway.

"Absolutely not," Prince says. "You could not pay me to go to your sugar daddy's birthday party."

"Our sugar daddy!"



"I'd rather take a gun—"

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