Chapter 4

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He's entirely too close

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He's entirely too close.

Ardyn sits unnaturally stiff on their couch. He almost sank in it when he first sat down, so used to his and Prince's thrifted couch that he didn't expect the softness from their unfamiliar cushions. The plush, white fabric is quickly lost on him when Kahili sits beside him and casually slings his arm behind the couch. He sits intentionally close, and Ardyn tries his best to come off casual.

I'm breathing weird.

At some point, Kahili's hand starts playing with the hairs curling on Ardyn's neck and Ardyn's nerves jolt.

He barely suppresses a shiver, but he feels every hair on his body stand up. He wants to sit back. He wants to appear as casual as Kahili but Ardyn's nervous and just so hyperaware of Kahili beside him. His cologne intoxicates Ardyn and he's convinced the heat from Kahili's body is burning him.

"Relax," Kahili coaxes.

He gently grabs Ardyn's shoulder and pulls him back so that he has no choice but to lean into Kahili. And Kahili's body does burn him—Ardyn feels it everywhere like it's consuming him. But he relaxes. He lets out a shaky breath, relaxes as best he can, and finds he loves the heat Kahili provides.

Their thighs are touching, and all Ardyn can focus on is how much bigger Kahili is than him. It makes him blush.

"I've never subbed for someone before," Ardyn admits shyly. His shoulders cave in as the quiet confession weighs down his entire body. He hopes Kahili isn't disappointed, almost expects him to take back everything they said and tell him to leave.

"No?" Kahili's hand scratches the nape of Ardyn's neck, and Ardyn can't help but shiver this time. "Then we'll have to make sure you really enjoy this, won't we?"

Anticipation settles in Ardyn's stomach. It's a heavy feeling that makes him more attuned to every little touch Kahili gives. But he likes it—likes that they so openly want him.

They wasted no time after Ardyn agreed to be their sugar baby. Let's talk somewhere more private, Valen suggested. And since Ardyn took an Uber to the restaurant, it was just so convenient to go home with them.

Ardyn was expecting something nice, but not two-story penthouse nice.

Jesus Christ, he thought when he got off the elevator and saw the inside. He itched to take his phone out and FaceTime Prince, because wow. They were undoubtedly richer than he originally thought. Everything was spotless, too, and he somehow knew it was due to Valen. It was incredible, to put in simple terms.

The expansive floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city lights below. They looked like fallen stars from so high up, enhanced by the soft, silvery moonlight streaming into the open layout.

It felt ethereal to Ardyn.

The moonlight sat so airily on all the white furniture, and it caressed every floating step that ascended into the second story. It was all so minimalistic, so pristine, so mature, and still so lived in.

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