Chapter 10

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QOTD: most attractive habit?

The aftercare is similar in ways Ardyn expects

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The aftercare is similar in ways Ardyn expects.

Kahili gives him water again. Valen helps him dress. There are words exchanged, soft and praising words that Ardyn's not fully ready to hear. His body warms with each whispered one before his mind can make sense of it. Later, he'll remember it when he's on his own and his body will react the same all over again, but not right now.

He's too—pliable.

The aftercare is similar in ways he expects.

And then it's different in ways he doesn't expect.

The eye contact when Kahili holds his chin and helps him drink water. Ardyn's arms lax in his lap, unmoving as he sips at the water Kahili encourages him to drink. It slides down his throat too cold and too crisp for how warm his body feels. Kahili's fingers feel just as hot on his skin. The water that dribbles down his chin does little to help quench the heat.

Kahili swipes at the droplet with a slow drag of his thumb. "Messy boy."

Ardyn licks his lips.

The kisses—he doesn't expect those.

They come in unexpected places as Valen helps him dress. A kiss to his shoulder before Valen slips his shirt on, a kiss to his temple, a silent laugh pressed into his hair when Ardyn makes a noise of complaint to kiss him properly, and then a kiss to his lips.

Soft and slow and indulgent.

He expects the cuddles.

Kahili tucks Ardyn into him again when Valen slips off the bed to wash his face. He seems perturbed at the thought of lying in bed without washing up and makes a point to explain which pillow is his. It's indirect and Ardyn had no plans of lying on it, but he nods to soothe Valen's obvious discomfort of someone else on his pillow.

"We can share mine," Kahili says. He grabs hold of Ardyn without much thought, tucking him into his body again. That heat is there, hotter and more direct than earlier. Ardyn nuzzles into it. Doesn't fight when Kahili rolls them onto their sides and throws his arm over Ardyn's waist so they're spooning. "He never lets me on his pillows either."


"Once," he corrects, his voice tickles Ardyn's ears. "I woke up in the middle of the night to him taking the sheets and pillowcases off the bed."

Ardyn smiles because it's easier than he thinks to imagine Valen getting fussy at Kahili. Frowning in silence as he stands over Kahili and contemplates the bed.

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