Chapter 6

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QOTD: favorite trope to read?

QOTD: favorite trope to read?

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Ardyn stays the night.

Well, he means to.

It's well past 12 when his eyes open and he's met with the white and seemingly endless expanse of their ceiling. There's an ache in his legs that he doesn't mind as he pushes back the covers and carefully sits at the edge of the bed. Kahili sleeps soundly behind him. His arm lies slack on his naked chest, dipping and rising with every gentle exhale.

Ardyn stares longer than he means to.

He pries his eyes away and runs a hand through his hair.

When the deafening silence gets too much to bear, he stands and feels around the nightstand for his phone. His screen is bright when he turns it on, and his eyes squint. He knows it's late but he doesn't expect the 1:13 that glares back at him. Shit— there's at least ten texts from Prince, all staggered and progressively more irritated than the last. The last one is worried.

Ardyn chews at his lip and sends a hurried text back.

He doesn't have to search for his clothes when he goes to leave. He put them on fairly fast after they'd all come down for their highs, and had sat with that post orgasm silence where nothing had to be said. They talked for a long time afterward, too.

How was it? Valen asked.

Ardyn's mind felt too heavy to answer fully then, too dazed. Good, he said, then let them hold him. He didn't expect it—the touches that came after. The praises, the water bottle Kahili raised to his lips, how gently Valen held him after. He expected maybe a towel to wipe himself down, but no, Kahili did that, too.

They didn't boot him like he was fully prepared for.

It's just sex, he reminded himself, when he started to get lost in their embraces, too caught up in their scents. Still, when the night bled darker and their voices gradually died out and Kahili fell asleep, Ardyn almost let himself, too.

He was on the cusp of sleep when he felt Valen get up. He was careful, slow and deliberate to not wake the two of them when he slipped out of bed and left the room. Ardyn waited for him to come back. He had no way of telling the time, but as minutes ticked by and he stared into the dark abyss of their room he finally realized Valen wasn't.

He smells vanilla before he hears him. "Can't sleep, darling?"

Ardyn's breath catches.

He's not prepared for how ethereal Valen looks. He's not doing anything grand, lounging on the couch beside their cat, but the moon's airy light shines on him favorably. It caresses each of his features so delicately through their grand windows. He soaks in it. His eyes are more lidded than Ardyn's used to seeing, mesmerizingly dark, and he's watching Ardyn carefully.

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