Chapter 9

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QOTD: what's your type 😼

Valentine is a presence in the modeling industry worth every contract and runway promised to him

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Valentine is a presence in the modeling industry worth every contract and runway promised to him. He's an unforgettable name. Countless years of honing his aura to capture his audience in a seductive trance show in every methodical twist of his body.

Ardyn falls headfirst into that trance. He can't—won't—look away. Not when Valen's staring right at him. There's a gentle authority in his eyes, lidded as they were. It's something soft and subtle that grips Ardyn, but it's there stirring Ardyn's primal instincts. He wants to please Valen.

"Lower, Clem," Valen utters, staring into Ardyn. His eyes shift to Clementine. "I'm not as tall as you. Lower your camera."

Valen visibly sinks deeper into his role. He focuses on Clementine, guiding him as every click and flash of the camera illuminates his dark eyes in the dimmed room. "Good, Clem," he murmurs, shifting into a different pose. He slows his movements every time he corrects Clementine. "Just like that."

Ardyn hangs onto his every word.

Kahili says something and Ardyn misses it, his voice only vaguely registering in Ardyn's ears. It's an effort to tear his eyes away from Valen, but when he does he finds Kahili already watching him, a knowing smirk on his lips. "What do you think?"

"He's..." Ardyn's vocabulary is far too limited. It doesn't ascend into the vastness of otherworldly divinity that Valen belongs to. "..a natural."

"He loves it," Kahili says. He's watching Valen again, so Ardyn does too. "Knows just how pretty he is."

Good, Ardyn thinks. "I'd love to photograph him." He pictures himself as Clementine so easily. The camera's in his hands instead, and Valen's eyes are tracking his every movement, a predator to its prey.

Kahili nods at the camera Ardyn still holds. "You should."

It startles Ardyn from his thoughts. "Oh, no," his head shakes. "I was just talking aloud, I promise. Watching him is— it's amazing."

Ardyn grips the moment for what it is.

He wants to remember it forever, this feeling. He's overcome with it, the desire to create something everlasting. His hands clamp around Kahili's camera and he considers it. Walking up to Valen and gently molding him in the pose Ardyn so vividly imagines, then stepping back to admire his work. He'd adjust the lights and exhale slowly, breathing out every ounce of anticipation. The deafening click and flash of his camera would follow.

And Valen's attention— it would be all his.

Clementine sighs in what can only be frustration. "Can we take a break?"

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