Among Despair (Deadly Life- Part 3)

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It didn't take Byakuya long to reach Chihiro- he was making sure he was fast. After all, he was away for quite a bit by now. And that would cause even somebody as naïve as Chihiro to get a bit suspicious. By walking fast, while making sure nobody saw him, he could prevent that.

When he entered Kiyotaka's room, Chihiro was still there. He was sitting on Kiyotaka's bed, most likely waiting for Byakuya to return. It was as if he was a dog- well, more like a puppy- waiting for its master to return. It was quite pathetic and that was why Byakuya absolutely loved it.

As soon as Chihiro saw him enter, his eyes lit up. He stood up from where he was sitting, flattening his skirt before walking over to Byakuya. "You're b-back!" He said in an overly excited voice. "How did your talk go?"

Ah, right.

Byakuya had almost forgotten his excuse- that he was going to ask Monokuma some things. But it wasn't going to be hard to lie about that, especially not to Chihiro.

"Unfortunately, not well," He began, crossing his arms. "That damn bear refused to answer a single question of mine," Byakuya continued, making anger slip into his voice. That made it much more believable after all.

His response made Chihiro frown. "Oh... That's annoying..." The boy said before his frown changed into a smile. "But I doubt you even need that information!"

It seemed like he was trying to reassure Byakuya now, which was just absolutely adorable. And pathetic. But then again, that was just the definition of Chihiro at this point, Byakuya hadn't expected anything differently.

Byakuya let out a chuckle, acting as if Chihiro's words had cheered him up. "Hm, I suppose you're correct. After all, we were going to the crime scene anyway. I will answer my own questions there," He said before looking around the room. "Say, did you end up finding anything here?" The heir asked, his voice casual.

Chihiro lowered his head, a frown appearing on his face. "N-no... You can look around yourself if you want, but I didn't find anything..." The programmer responded, his voice making clear that he was disappointed in himself by this news. It was a tone Byakuya loved to hear.

"That isn't needed, nor do we have time for it," He said, pretending to be annoyed and letting out a sigh. He then put his hand on Chihiro's back, pushing him forward slightly. "Let's just go to the crime scene. There should be more than enough information there."

"Okay..." Chihiro responded with a nod, letting Byakuya push him out of the room. They made their way to the crime scene after that, with Chihiro shaking more the closer they came. It seemed like the boy was not looking forward to investigating the crime scene, yet he was still going along with it.

Maybe that showed how much influence Byakuya already had over the other boy- how wonderful.

When they finally arrived back at the crime scene- which was the school store- they found Sakura and Mondo guarding the room. Though, only Sakura was actually in the room- most likely since the room was quite small.

Byakuya greeted both of them with a nod and walked forward, his gaze immediately on Kiyotaka's corpse. He crouched down and beckoned Chihiro to do the same- he supposed now was the perfect time to teach Chihiro something.

After all, at this point, Byakuya was quite the expert on dead bodies- he had seen a lot of them in the past year. He had even caused two corpses to appear himself- with one being very recent.

And all of that meant he was more than able to teach Chihiro a thing or two about how a dead body, how he could identify a few things. It would be handy if he knew those things if he ended up killing somebody.

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