Chapter 4. The Corridor Quarrel

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Harry's POV

"You think you're funny, do you?!" Draco shouted in my face, his normally pale face red with anger.

"Wha-" I started but he cut me off.

"Don't play dumb Potter! I know you and Weasley sabotaged my potion!" He shouted at me once more.

Draco shot a nasty glare towards Ron that scared him off. Now I was alone. Great.

I tried to fight back against his grip on my shoulders but it was a fruitless effort. He was strangely really strong, and until then I hadn't noticed how much taller he was than me. As I continued to struggle against him the more he pushed me into the wall.

"Malfoy get off! You'll make us both late for Muggle studies!" I said, trying to see if that would get him to let me go.

"I couldn't give a damn about bloody muggles, you should have thought about that before you ruined my potion and got me in trouble with Snape!"

I tried to protest, but the words just wouldn't come out. I kept getting flashbacks from that dream I had last year. The dream of him and I. Visions of his captivating eyes and that smirk he always had on his face. I was ambushed with a hurricane of thoughts all revolving around him. Being this close to him isn't good. It's messing with my head. It's all his yelling and shouting, yeah. That's it.

Draco's POV

I stood there looking at him waiting for him to say something. I swear he looks so stupid. Just standing there all stunned with his shining, green eyes staring at me. Our eyes locked for a moment. In that brief moment I felt something inside of me change. Like the anger inside of me had calmed. It felt how it feels when a bad thunderstorm turns back into a beautiful clear sky with a bright rainbow. I shook away that feeling as soon as I felt it, and I shook Harry by his shoulders.

"Oh what's wrong Potter? Got nothing else to say now?"

"Well maybe if you weren't such a self absorbed prick I wouldn't have done it!" Harry finally shouted back.

Hearing him shout had caught me off guard. I stared at him for a minute and I felt my heart beat faster. I blinked myself out of whatever trance I was in and began to lighten my hold on him.

"I'll get you back for this Potter," I spat before letting go of his shoulders and walking off to Muggle Studies.

In class I felt it again. The feeling like I was feeling watched. I turned around quickly, determined to see who it was. Of course, it was Potter. He never minds his own bloody business. Yet, why did my face start to feel warm when I saw him looking at me? It was probably because I was angry at him for what he had done in Potions class. I was determined to get him back. I just needed to figure out how.

After classes were over I was walking around the grounds with Blaise and Pansy. We were talking about what Potter did to our potion and I was infuriated when Pansy laughed.

"Pansy, are you seriously going to stand there and laugh about this?"

"Well Draco, you have to admit it's funny how he's finally gotten you back after everything you've done to him and his friends," She giggled.

"I cannot believe that you're serious right now," I said as I looked at her stunned.

"Well can you at least make yourself useful and give me ideas that I could use to get him back for this?" I asked her, getting increasingly annoyed.

"Oh in fact I think I've got a great one, maybe you could act like you want to start over you know. Be friends, make him trust you. Then just as he lets his guard down you tell everyone his secrets," Pansy explained as if she'd been holding back this scheme her whole life.

I looked at her with my eyes wide, half shocked it sounded like she actually thought something out for once. The other half annoyed at how painfully long gaining Potter's trust could take.

"Well I suppose exposing Potter to the entire school would be fun... alright I'll give that a shot," I said to Pansy and Blaise.

After that the three of us went to the Slytherin common room and made a plan for me to befriend Harry Potter. 

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