Chapter 14. The First Study Session

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Harry's POV

Saturday had come before I knew it and I was a little anxious about spending the afternoon with Draco. I was a little worried I'd do or say something stupid and make him change his mind about being friends with me. I eventually eased my thoughts and went about my day.

I was hanging out with Ron and Hermione outside most of the day. We sat under a shady tree and talked about classes, homework, and eventually we were on the topic of my study session with Draco. Ron was still on the fence about it, but he was starting to come around to the idea of being more civil with Draco.

"Something about it just doesn't sit right with me," Ron huffed as he shrugged.

"I know it's a bit odd, but it'll be nice not to be at each other's throats all the time," I responded.

Hermione was reading as me and Ron expressed our opinions. After a while it was time for me to go meet up with Draco so I grabbed my things and started to make my way up to the empty classroom where we had planned to meet. I was anxious on my way there but tried to quiet my thoughts down. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous; it was only Draco.

I walked into the empty classroom and got out all of my books and waited for Draco to arrive. I checked my watch and started studying on my own for a bit until I heard footsteps and the door handle turning. To my surprise it wasn't Draco that entered the door.

I looked up and saw Seamus and Dean looking surprised to see me there.

"Oh- sorry Harry," Dean said quickly.

I noticed he seemed slightly embarrassed.

"Oh it's alright, I just came in here for some quiet study time. Is that what you guys were doing?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, yeah it's crowded in the library so we were gonna just come here, but that's alright Harry." Seamus piped up.

"Alright, bye then guys."

When they turned to leave I noticed they didn't have their textbooks. It was odd since they said they were going to study. I brushed it off thinking maybe they meant they were going to practice spells. I went back to looking at my textbooks as I waited for Draco to arrive.

Draco's POV

I had forgotten about my study session with Potter somehow and I only remembered when Pansy asked me why I hadn't gone yet. I realized I was already thirty minutes late. I sighed and sped off to the empty classroom with my textbooks in hand. I arrived at the door and faltered as I reached out for the door handle.

I had suddenly grown anxious about the events about to take place. I couldn't understand why. After all we were only studying. I took a breath and turned the handle to enter the room.

Harry was already studying his potions textbook when I got there which triggered the memory of what he and Weasley did to my potion. I did my best to put the thought to the side to be able to focus on what needed to be done.

Harry looked up as I entered and set my textbooks down on the table and sat in the chair on the chair on the opposite side of the table facing him.

"What kept you so long?" He asked, oddly without any trace of annoyance.

"I forgot to check the time is all," I responded.

"Oh well that's alright. So, Draco, which subject would you say you struggled in the most so maybe we could start there?"

"Oh well," I started, "I guess my worst grades are in Divination" I concluded.

"Oh really? Divination is actually one of my highest grades," He said surprised.

I had the urge to make some sort of snarky remark but I ignored it. He got out his Divination textbook and I did the same. We flipped to the chapter the professor assigned everyone to read for homework. Harry started Reading it out loud in small sections and he would ask me if I understood it all.

At first I just said I did because I didn't want to look stupid. My father had always taught me that asking for help was shameful. It was already bad enough I was in a study session with Harry Potter and I couldn't stand the thought of making myself seem more pathetic. After a little while though, I just told him when I didn't understand because I really did need to get my grades up or father would be angry with me.

Harry would explain the things that I didn't understand very well and he worded it all in ways that actually made sense to me. I watched his eyes as he would explain it to me and it seemed he enjoyed talking about it all. His eyes seemed to have lit up with passion. It reminded me of the look he had first year when he'd caught the golden snitch and won the first Quidditch match of the season.

Harry's POV

Surprisingly Draco and I got along pretty well during the study session. II was at least expecting him to be a little stuck up but he seemed to have warmed up after a bit. I was able to help him understand what was going on in Divination and he seemed to get it pretty well.

We didn't talk about anything else besides Divination and it was actually really fun. For me at least. I liked Divination a lot and it was always super interesting to me. Normally I'd only be able to tell Hermione about it since she was the only one who'd ever listen about it.

I felt like Draco and I had potential to become friends if things kept going how they went after our first study session. After we had wet our separate ways I was on the way back to the Gryffindor common room when I bumped into Fred and George.

"Hiya Harry," they both said in unison.

"Hey Fred. Hey George. What are you two up to?" I asked them since it was getting close to curfew and they were heading the opposite way to the common room.

"Oh you know, just out for a stroll about the castle," George said with a grin.

I chuckled and then went on to the common room. When I got there I told Hermione and Ron about how the study session went pretty well. Ron of course had his doubts but he seemed to be coming around to the idea of at least being civil with Draco. Hermione was glad everything went okay and she admitted to being nervous about how it would go. It was a pretty successful day and I hoped it would be smooth sailing from there. 

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