Chapter 8. Unveiled Encounters (Pt. 1)

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Chapter 8. Unveiled Encounters

Harry's POV

(This chapter is all Harry's Pov there will be a part 2 that will have the same title but it's just the day from Draco's POV)

The next day as I was getting ready for class I was thinking all about the events of the previous night. I thought about the astronomy tower. I thought about seeing Draco rip up that mysterious letter. I thought about the split second that Draco was in my lap. Whenever I thought about it I felt the rush of embarrassment all over again. It was enough to make my face heat up, my palms sweat, and my heart race.

I also thought about when Professor Lupin knew I was there. Why hadn't he said anything? Then there was that strange encounter he had with Professor Snape. Snape had given him a potion and scolded Professor Lupin for being late. He also said something about a secret. What could Professor Lupin be hiding, and why did he need a special potion to keep it hidden? And Professor Lupin had said something about my father. I suppose they must have been friends during their time at Hogwarts. Maybe I could ask him.

As I met up with Hermione and Ron on our way to Transfiguration I had told them that I snuck out the night before and that I had things I needed to tell them. I could not keep all of this to myself. When we got to Transfiguration we took our seats and I noticed that Draco's seat a few rows ahead was empty. I was wondering if maybe he was sick or something since he's normally always in class earlier than most of the other students.

"That's strange," I whispered.

"What is it, Harry?" Ron asked.

"It's just Malfoy isn't here when normally he's here fairly early," I explained.

"Oh don't mind it. Just one less class he's able to torture us in," Ron dissmissed.

"Yeah, you're right," I reasoned, brushing off my worry.

As class continued I listened as Professor McGonagall taught us how to turn a quill into a lamp. I started to fall asleep since I was tired because I hadn't gotten much sleep. I kept tossing and turning and waking up because of Ron snoring. Also apparently he had a nightmare about spiders because he started shouting something about spiders and tap dancing.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall called.

My head immediately went up and I rubbed my eyes.

"Sorry, Professor. It won't happen again," I said quickly.

She gave me a side eye and then continued on with her lesson. This time I made sure to pay close attention because she had been looking back at me to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep. After about thirty minutes of class had gone by and Draco had trudged in through the classroom door and made his way to his seat.

"Oh Mr. Malfoy how lovely of you to finally join us today," Professor McGonagall quipped sarcastically as she turned to look at him.

All Draco did was stay quiet and get out his things he needed for class. I knew something was off about him. He didn't look like he was feeling very well. Maybe he hadn't gotten much sleep last night either. Despite this he seemed to pay attention in class more than he has all semester.

The day seemed to go by so slow. I was so focused on everything that I needed to tell my friends that it made every second of class feel like hours. Later when I was in Defense Against the Dark Arts as I was listening to Professor Lupin's lesson my mind kept wandering back to the memory of his interaction with Snape in the corridor. Apparently I had drifted too far into my thoughts again because I heard the professor calling my name.

"Harry, you alright?" Professor Lupin had asked with a gentle, concerned tone in his voice.

"Oh yeah, Professor. I'm alright," I quickly answered.

"Alright then," he said before turning his attention back to his lesson.

Just as I was stared to pay attention again Hermione had tapped me on the shoulder.

"Harry, you've got to stop sneaking out at night. You've already almost fallen asleep in two classes," she warned.

I knew that she was right, but sometimes night is the only peace I have. There's always people trying to speak to me in awe since I'm "the boy who lived". I was only a baby it isn't like I did anything monumental. It could be very suffocating at times. Especially when it's my first time meeting someone and I introduce myself then they get all starstruck. It's also very exhausting to see people expect me to be some great hero when really I'm... just Harry.

I was very surprised when I didn't get hit in the head with anything. Draco normally practically uses my head as a target in Defense Against the Dark Arts since he sits a few rows behind me. He may have just been too tired from staying up all night, or maybe it had something to do with whatever was upsetting him the last few days.

(time skip to after classes had ended)

Ron, Hermione, and I went outside to sit underneath a shady tree while I told them the events that unfolded the night before. I told them all about how Draco ripped up that letter. How he had sat on me while I was hidden underneath my cloak, and about how we had to hide from Snape a few minutes later.

"Wait wait wait. You mean to say Malfoy actually sat on you," Ron blurted a little too loudly, and earned a few strange looks from other students walking by.

"Yeah, that did happen..." I answered.

Hermione had chuckled at Ron's outburst but right after she told him to keep his voice down. Then I got to the part where Draco almost had a panic attack. Hermione's eyes had widened with sympathy, but Ron had simply rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Honestly, Harry, you should have just let the cat see him instead of letting him hide under the cloak with you. Especially after he tried to just take it from you!" Ron said bluntly after he had finished laughing.

Hermione and I exchanged an annoyed look at Ron's ignorance. Then I left the subject of Draco alone and began to tell them about what I saw happen with Snape and Lupin. I told them about how Snape was waiting at the end of the corridor, how he had given Lupin a potion, and when he had said something about Lupin's secret.

"What kind of potion was it? If you know what it looks like maybe we could find it in a potions textbook, or maybe a potions book in the library," Hermione said.

"Oh that's brilliant, I hadn't even thought of that," I responded to her.

"I remember what it looks like, we should go to the library later to see if we can find any information on it," I said to her.

"We? I sure hope you aren't including me in there," Ron huffed.

"Ron, you can be so annoying sometimes, do you know that?" Hermione asked sharply.

Ron made a mocking face at her and she rolled her eyes at him. After I had filled them in on everything that had happened the previous night we sat under the tree and worked on homework. It started to get near curfew so we began to pack up our things and head to the Gryffindor common room.

I knew that I should try to sleep, but I had to go see Professor Lupin after everyone in the castle had either gone to bed or kept to themselves for the night. I waited until everyone in my dorm fell asleep, and then I got out my cloak and made my way down to Professor Lupin's classroom. I just had to know if he had really known my father. Maybe he had even known my mom. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to know more about my parents.

(The next chapter is going to have the same title because it is going to be the day from Draco's point of view, I didn't want to make the chapter too long by adding both POVs in the same chapter, and then the chapter after the next one is going to be when Harry sneaks out to talk to Lupin) 

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