Chapter 11. The Invite

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Harry's POV

After classes that day Hermione, Ron, and I were in the library studying and helping each other with homework. We all had an essay we had to write for potions. Snape was getting even more strict about his assignments and it was exhausting. We had to choose a potion to research and then write an essay on the ingredients, the time it takes to prepare, and the use for it. Ron, as always, had no idea what to do so Hermione ended up doing most of it for him.

I had written most of my essay then I moved on to my Muggle Studies homework. It was the easiest out of all of my assignments and it didn't take long to finish. After a while Ron had grown bored and decided to go down to the Gryffindor common room to play wizard chess with Fred and George. As for Hermione and I, we decided to take a break from our academic studies. Instead we started to look through books in the potion section of the library to see if we could find the potion that Professor Snape had given to Professor Lupin.

"What did the potion look like?" Hermione asked as we sat back down at our table in the library.

"Honestly, it's indescribable. I've never seen anything like it," I replied.

"This may take a while to figure out," Hermione said as she began flipping through the pages in her book.

We both searched through the library books, and Hermione showed me pages of potions she thought looked odd. None of them were the potion I had seen a few nights before though. This grew our curiosity even more. What could that potion possibly be?

After half an hour of searching through library books we decided to call it quits for now. Hermione wanted to hang out with Ginny some that afternoon so she had packed up her things and went off to the common room to go find Ginny. I stayed behind to have some extra study time.

Draco's POV

I waited in the library watching Potter from a table on the far side of the library. It took forever for his friends to finally leave. I took a second to go over the plan in my head one more time. I would walk past his table where he was studying and drop a small note onto it and continue walking. If all went as planned, he would follow the directions written and I'd speak to him in the empty classroom that no one ever paid attention to.

I'd give him some made up story about how I appreciate him helping me not get caught and for helping me calm down when I started to panic. Then I'd ask if we could start over, and ask if we could be friends. I had also decided to tell him about my father's expectations and ask him to help me study so I wouldn't fall too far behind on grades.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts, now confident that my plan would work. I saw him beginning to pack up his things so I knew I needed to act fast. I quickly folded up the note, got up, and started walking towards the exit of the library. Making sure to nonchalantly drop the note onto Potter's table without anyone else noticing.

I left the library and began to walk towards the empty classroom. I walked inside and sat on one of the old tables to wait. I looked around, having nothing better to do while I waited. The classroom was never in use for lessons during my whole time at Hogwarts, and it seems to have just been used for storage as there were boxes everywhere. I sighed and patiently waited.

Harry's POV

I had begun to put my stuff away to head back to the Gryffindor common room when I noticed Draco heading towards my table. I thought it was odd because I haven't seen him in the library much at all this year. I was expecting him to start walking as far away from my table on the way to the exit as possible, but to my surprise he didn't. He had walked right past me just inches away from my table.

As he passed me something had fallen onto my table. It was a folded piece of parchment. I looked at it for a moment, expecting it to burst into flames as some kind of prank but it didn't. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was a note. It said, "Potter, meet me in the empty class room down the corridor. I want to talk. - Malfoy"

I furrowed my brows as I read the note. I was confused as to why he wanted to speak to me. He's only hated me since the very first night we met. I got anxious at the thought of talking to him alone. It gave me that strange feeling in my stomach. I felt my heart flutter in anticipation. I thought about not showing up. I didn't know what he had planned, what if it was some kind of prank?

My curiosity got the best of me though. I quickly began to pack the rest of my things up and headed down to the classroom where he said to meet him at. As I went further down the corridor my anticipation grew. I was anxious for what this meeting would bring, but I also felt something else. It was almost like I was excited.

I had finally reached the classroom. I stopped right in front of the door. Taking a moment to collect myself before entering. After a minute I was calm and ready. I reached out to the door handle and walked in. Bracing myself for whatever was laying ahead.

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