Chapter 9. Unveiled Encounters (Pt. 2)

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Draco's POV

(This is Draco's POV of the night after they were hiding under Harry's cloak)

As soon as Professor Snape was far enough away I immediately got out from under Potter's invisibility cloak. I made it back to the Slytherin dorms as quickly as I could, desperately trying to get away from the utter embarrassment of the whole situation. Not only had I sat on Potter's lap accidentally last night, but I almost had a panic attack in front of him too? I felt so weak. Why couldn't I just control it. That happened just about every time I thought of my father.

The next morning I woke up to Blaise shaking me. I was extremely exhausted from the lack of sleep I had. I had stayed up all night mentally replaying the things that had happened that night. Embarrassment bubbling up more and more every time I dwelled on it.

"Draco, you've got to get up," Blaise stated, still shaking me.

I groaned in response and just rolled over facing away from him.

"Suit yourself, mate." Blaise said dismissively.

I heard Blaise leave our dorm, and all I could do was lay there. I knew I should get up and go to class. I knew that if my father found out I was sleeping in he'd be angry, but I didn't care. I had so much on my mind, and I was way too tired. I had fallen back asleep for what felt like two minutes, but when I got up and checked the time I had realized that I was now nearly thirty minutes late for my first class. I quickly got dressed and gathered up everything I needed for my classes.

When I finally made it to Transfiguration Professor McGonagall was in the middle of teaching. I had made my way over to my seat beside Blaise and Pansy while the professor called me out for being late. I said nothing. I knew better than to say anything out of fear that my father would send another angry letter to me.

Despite how tired I was I made sure to be extra attentive to class. I needed to bring up my grades or father wouldn't be pleased. I felt eyes on me in class, only this time I was too exhausted to care. As I was taking notes during the lesson I felt a tap on my arm. I looked over and it was Pansy.

"Draco why were you late?" She questioned, with a slightly concerned tone in her voice.

"Just overslept is all," I explained while holding back a yawn.

Things had become so complicated the last few days. I had to pay attention in school and get my act together. I also had to get Potter back for embarrassing me in Potions class. I still hadn't completely worked out the perfect plan in order to get close to him to find out his secrets and expose him to the rest of the school. I was starting to think that this plan was hopeless, but there's no way that I could let Potter get away with what he did.

Later on in Defense Against the Dark Arts I was taking notes while the professor taught which earned me strange Looks from both Blaise and Pansy. I wanted to tell them why I had been acting so strange lately. I wanted to tell them about my father's letter, and how if I don't start making better grades I'd be in a mountain of trouble. I just couldn't bring myself to talk about any of it. It made me feel weak and pathetic.

I was also curious about whatever happened between Professor Snape and Professor Lupin the night prior. I couldn't understand anything they said, and I could barely see them because I has been panicking. I quickly shook away the thoughts of everything that had happened in the last few days and brought my focus back to my school work.

Just then, I heard the professor calling out to Harry. He had asked if he was okay. My immediate reaction was to take a quick glance at him to see if anything looked off with him. He seemed to be fine, only a bit tired. I couldn't see much of his face as I was a few rows behind him, but when he turned his head and rubbed his eyes I saw dark circles under his eyes. He looked oddly handsome from that angle.

After classes were over I sat in the Slytherin common room with my friends. We were the only ones there so they took the opportunity to call me out on my strange behavior. I had barely had a moment to breathe before they started bombarding me with questions.

"Draco, what's been going on lately?" Blaise asked with his brows furrowed.

"Yeah, you've been acting strange. Is everything okay?" Pansy questioned with her head slightly tilted.

"It's nothing," I dismissed.

"No, Draco, you being late for class is not normal. You keeping to yourself is not normal," Pansy hounded on me.

"It's just, my father sent me a letter talking about my behavior and grades. If I don't do better and 'uphold the proper manner of a Malfoy' I'll be in some real trouble and..." I trailed off.

"And what?" Blaise asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I can't believe Potter embarrassed me in front of an entire class of people, and got me in trouble with my father. And I don't know how to make this stupid plan work to get back at him, so he's just gotten away with it!" I nearly shouted, not daring to mention anything that had happened with Harry on the astronomy tower or in the corridor.

"I'm sorry about everything with your father, we both get it." Pansy offered in a small, yet comforting tone.

"And the plan for befriending Potter really isn't rocket science. Maybe start hanging around the library in your down time, and I'm sure you'll run into him eventually." She added.

"Yeah that actually might work, and if you see him you can act like you apologize for everything. Oh, and you could ask him to help you study for classes so you'd have to spend time together. That should give you plenty of time do uncover whatever he doesn't want other people to know." Blaise chimed in.

I took in their input and considered it for a moment. This could actually work. Right then I started working it all out in my head. I would approach him in the library, and maybe I could make up some story about how I appreciated him helping me when I almost had a panic attack. If that wouldn't get him to trust me I didn't know what would.

My plan had finally started to come together. With time I would get my revenge on him. He wouldn't even see it coming. I just had to play the part just right, I'd be the snake in Harry Potter's garden. 

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