Chapter 6. The Embarrassing Exchange

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Harry's POV

"WHA- I-," he stuttered, "WHAT THE HELL POTTER," he shouted at last.

"Malfoy quiet! You'll get us caught, and then we'll both have detention!" I warned him in a whisper.

"You- I- what-" He stuttered looking back and forth to the bench then back at me all while shaking my cloak frantically in his hand.

I watched him stutter as he tried to work out his thoughts. I found it kind of endearing though. It gave him a slight sense of softness. His normally arrogant demeanor slightly diminished. Until of course he had gathered himself enough to speak clearly again.

"You better explain what the hell just happened, Potter!" he demanded.

"Okay, okay. Listen, I came up here for a moment of quiet, and I had my cloak on so no one would see me. Then after a while you came up, and I didn't want to get up and leave because then you might hear me. So I just sat here waiting to see if you'd leave... then you sat on me," I calmly explained, but sheepishly muttered the last bit.

I noticed his face heat up as I mentioned the part when he sat on me. It must have been embarrassing for us both. I braced myself for further questions from him but surprisingly there were none, but he still looked pissed.

Draco's POV

This was the most embarrassing thing I have ever endured. I thought getting in trouble in Potions was embarrassing. I had just sat on Harry's lap. I didn't mean to of course, but it still happened. My heart was still racing as he explained why he was there, but I had my doubts. How could I be sure he wasn't trying to spy on me or something?

"Well..." I started, "this better not happen again," I warned.

"And I think I'll take this to make sure of that," I smirked, beginning to walk away with his cloak knowing he wouldn't dare try and take it out of fear of causing a commotion and getting caught.

"No, Malfoy please don't," he pleaded, sounding almost desperate.

I stopped in my tracks after I heard his small plea. For some reason I felt a tug on my heart. Like I felt bad for him. Something inside of me wanted to make him feel better. To do whatever I could to make his voice happy instead of whatever tone this was. I slowly turned back around to face him and saw that he had an expression on his face that made my heart sink even lower. What was going on? I had never felt bad for anyone before.

"Malfoy, that cloak was my father's. It's one of the only things I have from him. Please give it back," he continued.

This made me falter. I felt weak. I couldn't stand looking at him like that so I just threw the cloak at him.

"Whatever. Here, take it. It's probably dirty anyways," I scoffed trying to uphold the attitude my father expects from me.

"Thank you Draco," he mumbled.

I had started to walk away again, but froze when I heard him say that. He had said my first name. He's never called me by my first name before. His voice played in my mind like a song that gets stuck in your head. I brushed it off and continued walking until I was out of the astronomy tower. I was walking down the corridor, my thoughts were consumed by Harry's voice calling my name. They were interrupted by the sound of Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris meowing. I was going to get caught for sure.

Harry's POV

I watched as Draco sauntered away. I was thankful that the encounter had finally ended. It was so awkward. I could hear my heart echoing inside my chest. I threw my cloak over myself and silently made my way back moments after Draco. As I was heading back to my dorm I saw Draco with a panic struck expression. I wondered why, and then I heard it. Mrs. Norris was going to find him any moment now.

I don't know why, but I quickly approached him and threw my cloak around him so he wouldn't get caught. He'd always been nothing but terrible to me, but for some reason I helped him anyway.

"What-" He started.

"Shh," I warned.

I gestured for him to follow my lead as I began walking in the opposite direction of the sound of the cat. We went inside an empty corridor and waited for Mrs. Norris to leave. Instead she kept getting closer. She knew we were there, she just couldn't see us. We had to put as much space between us and her as possible so she wouldn't get too close until Filch came to get her. I now felt annoyed. I should have just let him get caught. Now I'm stuck in such close quarters to him after the embarrassing exchange we just had on the astronomy tower. 

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