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Two days have passed since Sidharth ate food at home. He didn't eat after that night because of Shehnaaz. He didn't want to see her and for this he started avoiding every place where he could see her.

Shehnaaz was getting very worried about him. She couldn't see him like this. Sidharth was starting to look weak due to not eating and this thing was hurting Shehnaaz a lot. Shehnaaz had even stopped calling him for meals. She would only cook food for him and think that one day he would eat it himself but that didn't happen. He never came in front of her after that night and even if he came, he would go away without seeing her.

Shehnaaz wanted to ask him why he was behaving like this, she agreed that he hates her but how can he hate food, at least he can eat food that's why she finally  decided to ask him why he is not eating food but before she could ask him , she got answers of all her questions on its own when one day she saw him sitting on the dinning table having breakfast with Reeta aunty. He was laughing his heart out while having breakfast.

On that day she got some important work from office so she didn't join Reeta aunty on the dinning table and after seeing him eating happily on the dinning table she finally realised why he was not eating breakfast with them because he was avoiding her. This hit Shehnaaz very hard. How can he hate her so much. After all what did she do to him that he does not even want to see her?

After that day, Shehnaz didn't go infront of him and started eating her food in her room or to be precise, in Anya's room because she didn't have a room of her own in such a big house. She didn't tell this to Reeta Aunty because she didn't want to worry her.

After one week

Shehnaaz was in Anya's room and was telling stories to Anya. Both of them were playing with each other. Shehnaaz would tickle Anya and she would start laughing loudly, seeing which Shehnaaz would also laugh a lot.

Anya has made a very big place in Shehnaaz's heart in the past few days. Aanya had become Shehnaaz's life. Shehnaaz cannot spend a single moment without her and Aanya has also become used to Shehnaaz. Both have become an important part of each other's life.

Anya has become the reason for Shehnaaz's happiness. Anya is the only one who has taken away all the sorrows of Shehnaaz. She has become the balm for her every pain, which no one had seen till date. How strange is it that an eight-month-old girl took away her sorrows, which no one could do till date.

After playing for a long time, Anya got tired and fell asleep in Shehnaaz's lap. Shehnaaz was caressing her hair and watching her sleep when Reeta Aunty enters their room and sits beside her on the bed.

" Mom do you need anything?" Shehnaz asked to her and looked at her.

" Shehnaaz is everything okay in between you and sidharth?" Reeta aunty finally asked her which was bothering her from past few days as she noticed something is wrong in between them.

" Umm!! Yeah!! Mom everything is absolutely right in between us , don't worry okay!." Shehnaz stuttered out nervously and looked down as she couldn't able to see in her eyes while lying.

" Shehnaz tell me the truth, is everything really okay between you two?" Reeta aunty sternly said this time as she noticed her stutter while replying.

"Actually mom everything is not so fine between us, we suddenly got into such a relationship and Siddharth lost his love recently so it is not so easy for him to accept me and start a new life. So we are facing difficulties right now but yes with time everything will be fine so don't worry about us ok" Shehnaz said this with a small smile which was obviously fake but who gonna tell her right. She can't hide the truth from her so she tells half truth to Reeta aunty as she knows everything is not going to be fine between them, at least not now, maybe in the future which she hopes.

SECOND CHANCE जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें