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Reeta did not blink even once the whole night and kept looking at Shehnaaz who was sleeping in her arms after weeping her heart out and the reason for her pain was none other than her son. She was very proud of him that he would never be the reason for anyone's crying but today it seems that her thinking has been proved wrong.

As soon as the morning comes, Reeta did not waste a single moment and went straight to Sidharth's room to talk to him.

After reaching near his room she knocked on the door and after hearing a faint "come in " she dashed inside the room and saw sidharth who was adjusting his tie.

"Mom, did you have any work here so early in the morning?" Sidharth asked to his mom while glancing at her from the mirror.

" Yeah I come here to talk with you " Reeta aunty sternly said and sits on the bed.

" Talk? About what ? " Sidharth asked as he turned around and looked at his mother who was giving him deadly glares. He felt weird after seeing her mother angry face after a long time. He remembered how he used to hear scolding from her mother when he was kid.

" About Shehnaz" after hearing her name sidharth felt a different kind of emotion in his entire body which was similar to anger.

" If you come her to talk about her than I don't want to talk anything about her " Sidharth uttered and again turned around and started combing his hair.

" I said I want to talk to you so come here and talk with me " Reeta aunty yelled out when he ignored her words.

" SIDHARTH COME HERE" after hearing her mother loud and stern voice he finally went near her and sits beside her and said , " Tell me what you want to talk about her. "

" Do you know what you said yesterday was wrong." Reeta asked to him while looking into his eyes.

" No I don't say anything wrong mom" Sidharth replied.

" And why you think that you didn't say anything wrong, why you think like this about her " Reeta asked.

" Because she is not what you think she is, she is a greedy girl and can do anything for money, she is not a good girl" Sidharth said.

"I don't know who has whispered these things in your ears but this is all wrong. She is a good hearted girl and I can say this with full confidence." Reeta retorted back to him as she didn't like his the way he thinks about Shehnaz.

" Shanaya used to tell me all this and I trust my Shanaya , Mom, Shehnaaz has covered your eyes with her sweet talk, that's why you are unable to see her real colours" Sidharth whispered out loudly.

" Sidharth, I am not a small kid who can be fooled by anyone's sweet talk, right? And I know how Shehnaaz is, she is a very nice girl, which you are not able to see at all." Reeta retorted back.

" No mom , you are wrong this time , she completely fooled you this time" Sidharth yelled loudly and runs his hands on his nape in anger.

" No sidharth I know how Shehnaz is and I want you to also try to know her so that you can also see her true side " Reeta said.

" No mom , don't except this from me , I don't want to know her , I just hate her " sidharth whispered out.

" This is not right sidharth , Please don't prejudge her after hearing anyone's words, try to know her on your own ,my child" Reeta said to him.

" Mom she was not anyone okay , she was my wife and I believe in her more than I believe in myself" Sidharth yelled out and stands on his feet  angrily.

" Oh so you will cause pain to a living person because of the words of a dead person" Reeta also yelled back.


SECOND CHANCE जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें