Chapter one

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*Mike *

Love comes at us in all different ways..sometimes even in different forms, One thing about Love it's always unexpected and you never know when you might find it.

But you know when you find it from the feelings you get either it be the first look, first kiss, or even that first time.

But Once you find true love it will always stay strong no matter what the situation may be or change.

The sun shines brightly through my drawn light blue curtains as I tuck the corners of my blankets into my bed as my mom shouts my name down the hallway what's probably the 13th time.
"Will!...WILLAM!" She calls making me jump.

"COMING!" I shout back grabbing a small brown box off my nightstand that's completely empty.

clutching The box close to my chest letting out one final breath of air while taking it all in and looking at my light yellow room.

I feel an urge of excitement wash over me smiling to myself as my mom shouts my name one more time.
I hurry to the door and shutting it behind me as I make my way down the hallway and towards the kitchen where I see my mom standing behind the counter.
"I'm right here hold your horses" I joke which makes mom roll her eyes at me.

"Alright! enough playing around...we need to double check and make sure you have everything"

I chuckled softly.

"I did that already" I said mindlessly

"mhm are you sure? Because I don't wanna be getting phone calls in the middle of the night, talking about Mom I forgot this or mom, I forgot that and blah blah blah"  she mocks me making me laugh even harder now.

"M-Mom it's college not sleep away camp" I panted through puffs of air from my laugh attack earlier.

As the front door opened up "Hi Ms. Byers and babe" my boyfriend Luke greeted coming into the kitchen.

I give a smile in confusion not knowing he was going to be here.

"What are you doing here?" I stand up from my spot on the chair.

"I came to see my boyfriend get dropped off at college obviously" he says while pulling me in giving me a welcoming kiss to my cheek. I smile as I push him back playfully.

"Y-you're going to be late for school though" I added walking away from him and back to my seat.

"Nonsense! I have a free period around this time" Luke smiled.

One thing about me and Lukes relationship, I'm one year older than him so me being 18 and him being 17 still places him as a high schooler.

And I still would've been in high school too but since I'm...more advanced in my studies I graduated early and got into my dream college Hawkins University to be exact.

Though my brother Jonathan kept telling me that I should've gone to NYU like him, but I'm supposed to be building my own life not following someone else's.
"Alright! are you boys done here or are you ready to get going?" my mother chimed in

"Yes I'm ready" I smile getting back up as Luke grabbed my stuff for me

while mom grabs her Keyes from the fruit bowl that rarely has fruit in it.

Will's POV:
Arriving to the campus thats when reality started to settle in, I looked at the campus that's filled with students hurling their stuff from cars and onto dolly's.

Luke looked up at the campus with a nervous smile on his face, no clue while he be nervous he still has a year left until deciding for college.

"What's the matter?" I asked him looking over at him.

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