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(A/N's Note: Hello dearest readers! I know the next chapters have been a little bit slow to come out but I wanted to make sure they were action filled and ready for you all to enjoy! Also we now have over 600 reads! I wonder if this story can get 1K! We shall have to see but thank you all so far for being on this journey with me writing this story and as always, happy reading! The next chapter will be a lot more spicy and with loads more action than this one so stay tuned! A~ xoxo)


Meanwhile, at the Jade Palace, the atmosphere was heavy with a mix of exhaustion and determination. The masters, including Shifu, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Viper, and Mantis, had gathered in the central hall to discuss tactics and tend to their wounds. The recent battle had taken its toll on all of them, physically and emotionally. Bandages adorned limbs, and tired eyes reflected the weariness of their Kung Fu spirits, shaken but resolute.

Shifu sat quietly, his normally stern countenance softened by the lines of fatigue etched on his face. Tigress, usually stoic and strong, leaned against a pillar, nursing a bruised shoulder. Monkey and Crane discussed strategies in hushed tones, while Viper attended to Mantis's injured leg with gentle precision. Po, the Dragon Warrior, was the last to join them, having waited until everyone else had settled down to rest.

The journey down the stairs from the Palace to the Heavenly Peach Tree of Wisdom was a familiar one for Po. Memories of his early days as the Dragon Warrior flooded his mind—the doubts, the struggles, and the guidance he received from Master Oogway under this very tree. Now, as then, he sought solace and clarity in its shade.

Po found a spot underneath the tree and sat down heavily, his thoughts swirling with the events of the recent battle. He couldn't shake the feeling of hesitation that had gripped him when he had Shen and Y/N in his grasp. He had the chance to strike, to end the conflict once and for all, but something had held him back. Doubt clouded his mind, and he wondered if he had made the right choice.

Just as Po was lost in his thoughts, a familiar presence materialized beside him. It was a spirit that bore a striking resemblance to Master Oogway—calm, wise, and serene.

"Master Oogway?" Po exclaimed softly, disbelief coloring his voice.

The spirit nodded gently, a knowing smile on his face. "Yes, Dragon Warrior. It is I."

Po took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a sense of peace wash over him in the presence of his revered mentor. "I... I don't understand, Master," Po began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I had the chance to stop them. To end it all. But I couldn't do it. Why?"

Master Oogway regarded Po with compassionate eyes. "The path of a warrior is fraught with difficult choices, Po. You have faced many challenges and grown stronger because of them. But true strength lies not only in physical prowess, but also in the wisdom to choose compassion over aggression."

Po nodded slowly, digesting Oogway's words. "But what if I made the wrong choice? What if I've put everyone in danger?"

Master Oogway shook his head gently. "There are no wrong choices, only lessons to be learned. The past is behind us, and the future is uncertain. Embrace the present, Po. It is a gift."

Po looked up at the peach blossoms swaying gently in the breeze, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. Master Oogway's wisdom resonated deeply within him, reminding him of the importance of trust, compassion, and understanding—even in the face of conflict.

The Yang to His Yin ࿊ ☾𖤓 ( A Lord Shen X Female Reader: Kung Fu Panda 2) Where stories live. Discover now