🎐Whispers in the Alleyways🎐

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(A/N's Note: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the next installment in the story! I will be uploading each new chapter on a certain day in the week. Bare with me, while I am still currently writing it all! Also thank you for almost 50 reads! Also found the above picture on Pinterest! All credits go to the Artist & I thought it was hilarious! Happy reading as always! A~ xoxo)


The journey back to Lord Shen's ancestral home was supposed to be uneventful, a mere return to the sanctuary after the night's ordeal. However, as Shen, Y/N, and the wolves made their way through the narrow streets, shadows flickered ominously in the moonlight. Emerging from alleyways and hidden corners, a group of rough civilians, clearly part of a gang, stepped into their path. Their faces were hard with anger, and their weapons glinted menacingly in the dim light. They were infuriated by Shen's relentless acquisition of metal for his own purposes, leaving them stripped of resources and desperate.

The leader of the gang, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, snarled, "You think you can take everything from us without consequences, Shen?" He raised his weapon, a crude but lethal-looking club, and the others followed suit, brandishing knives, sticks, and makeshift swords.

Shen's eyes narrowed, and he nodded slightly to Y/N. Understanding his silent command, Y/N stepped forward, gripping her staff tightly. The wolves growled lowly, ready to leap into action but held back for now, serving more as emotional support than direct combatants. With a battle cry, the civilians charged. Y/N was immediately in the thick of it, her staff a blur as she parried blows and struck back with precision. She twirled her staff, blocking an attack from a hefty man wielding a pipe, then swept his legs out from under him with a swift kick. He hit the ground hard, groaning in pain.

Amidst the chaos, Y/N's sharp eyes caught movement on a nearby rooftop. A slender figure, barely visible in the darkness, was poised with a dagger, ready to leap down upon Shen.  "Shen, move!" Y/N's voice rang out, urgent and fierce. Y/N's heart pounded as she somersaulted over fallen bodies, racing against time. She reached Shen just as the assailant launched from the rooftop, dagger gleaming. With a powerful swing, she deflected the attacker, pushing Shen aside. But she was not quick enough to avoid the strike completely. The dagger sliced into her side, a searing pain that made her growl out in agony. 

Shen's eyes widened with concern as he saw the blood begin to soak Y/N's robe. But she wasn't finished. Anger and adrenaline surged through her, dulling the pain. She lashed out at her attacker, her movements fueled by fury and desperation. A flurry of kicks and punches sent the civilian to the ground, and Y/N pinned him there, her eyes blazing with a ferocity that sent a clear message to the rest: they were no match for her and Shen.

The wolves, sensing the shift in the battle, regrouped around Shen and Y/N. Y/N swayed on her feet, her staff the only thing keeping her upright. Blood seeped from her wound, staining her robe and matting her hair. She clutched her side, trying to stem the flow of blood, but her strength was waning. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, and her vision blurred as she fell to her knees. The remaining civilians, seeing their comrade defeated and fearing the wrath of this fierce warrior, began to retreat, their bravado evaporating. They scattered into the night, disappearing into the labyrinth of dark alleyways and corridors.

Shen's eyes widened in horror as he turned to see Y/N collapse, her staff clattering to the ground. She lay on her side, her hand pressing desperately against the wound. Shen's heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of anger and concern flooding through him. He knelt beside her, his feathers brushing against her bloodied form as he tried to assess the damage.

The Yang to His Yin ࿊ ☾𖤓 ( A Lord Shen X Female Reader: Kung Fu Panda 2) Where stories live. Discover now