☆ Facing Your Fears ☆

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(A/N's Note: Greetings readers and welcome to the next chapter in the story! This one has quite a lot of action so be prepared! There is quite a twist in this chapter, I hope you all enjoy reading this! A~ xoxo)


As Y/N kicked open the doors to Shen's ancestral home, the resounding crash reverberated through the quiet streets, drawing the attention of everyone nearby, including the wolves and their leader. With a commanding glare, Y/N demanded to know what was happening, descending the steps with purpose. The Furious Five and Po stood before her, and Y/N couldn't help but laugh, clapping her hands together in amusement.

"Well, well, well," she said, addressing Po with a sly smile. "It seems you've kindly given yourself up and landed right on Shen's doorstep." She teased him, knowing full well the chaos that often followed Po wherever he went.

Po chuckled nervously, trying to play it off as intentional. "Uh, yeah, totally planned. You know, strategic move."

Y/N bent down to meet Po's gaze, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, Shen is going to be so pleased to see you," she remarked, her tone implying she knew more than she let on. She patted the leader of the wolves on the back, nodding to him as she started to make her way inside the home, her steps purposeful.

"I'll go find Shen and tell him the good news," Y/N announced confidently in a whisper to the leader, leaving the wolves and the warriors in a moment of tense anticipation. The wolves exchanged uneasy glances, uncertain of what was to come next, while Po and the Furious Five exchanged looks of determination, ready for whatever awaited them inside Shen's domain.

As the tense standoff unfolded outside Shen's ancestral home, two massive gorillas emerged from the shadows to join the ranks of the wolves. With swift efficiency, they moved to handcuff the Furious Five and Po, their massive forms imposing against the backdrop of the palace walls.

"You can chain my body, but you'll never chain my—" Crane started defiantly, only to have a wolf cuff his neck, cutting off his words and stifling his protest.

"Warrior spirit!" Crane managed to choke out, his voice muffled but his defiance still clear.

"Hey, don't you forget the little guy!" Po exclaimed, his attention snapping to Mantis who was seething with anger.

"Po! Did you just call me..." Mantis began angrily, but before he could finish, Po scooped him up and stuffed him unceremoniously into a small cage which he now carried with him.

"Po, what on Earth are you doing?" Tigress questioned with a furrowed brow, her eyes narrowing at the wolves surrounding them.

"Don't you worry, I've got th—" Po's words were cut short as a pair of cuffs snapped around his own wrists, securing him. "No way!... eight-point acupressure cuffs?" Po exclaimed in disbelief, his face contorting with discomfort. "These are just like the ones that held Tai Lung! The more you move, the tighter they get!"

One of the soldiers deftly hooked Po's cuffs onto a pole and yanked, pulling him off his feet with a jolt. "These are truly the best cuffs!" the soldier boasted as he dragged Po away across the grounds of the home, leaving the rest of the warriors momentarily stunned and apprehensive about what would happen next.

Inside the opulent atrium of Shen's ancestral palace, Lord Shen paced back and forth, practicing his lines with fierce determination. His sword swished through the air as he rehearsed, imagining the confrontation with Po, the panda who had caused him so much trouble.

The Yang to His Yin ࿊ ☾𖤓 ( A Lord Shen X Female Reader: Kung Fu Panda 2) Where stories live. Discover now