Chapter 13

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Luke's P.O.V:

Since Willow has gone dark I have been absolutely shitting myself.

I'm so worried that something bad is going to happen to Ally.

I really hope nothing bad does happen to her though, because she is the sweetest thing in the world and she doesn't deserve to hurt, ever!

If I said that I wasn't worried, I would be straight out lying.

I sit down next to Ally on the couch in Michael and Zara's lounge room.

Ally is talking to Dayna, they aren't talking about much, just about the going on's of lately.

I wrap my arms around Ally's waist and kiss her cheek softly before beginning to join in the conversation that Ally and Dayna are having, keeping Ally close to me the whole time.

Dayna's P.O.V:

These past few days have been crazy. I cannot believe how weird Willow has been acting.

It is as if she has completely forgotten about all of the years they we had been friends.

It's as if she hates us all.

It's as if she is planning in doing something really evil.

Her mind is twisted, there is no doubt about that.

I don't understand it at all. We've only even been nice and caring towards her, so why does she hate us so much?

I sigh before walking over to Ashton who seems a bit out of it himself.

After a while Luke and Ally get up to go and get some food to eat because they're both hungry.

I just sit there for a while looking up at the ceiling before I here someone walk around the corner and into the lounge room.

It's Ashton. He comes and stands in front of me, just looking at me. It's almost as if he wants to say something but is scared to.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I look back at him.

"Nothing really. I'm just thinking." He says calmly.

I feel bad for him. He has been worrying so much lately.

With Willow having gone dark and everything.

"Are you sure that's it?" I ask, not wanting to push him, but still wanting to know that he is fine.

"I'm just worried that you'll be next, and that something bad will happen to you. I mean, if something bad did happen to you....I don't know if is be able to cope." Ashton says while looking at me. I stand up and walk towards him slowly.

I look up at him with a sad and worried expression on my face. "Babe, don't worry. I'll be fine." I reassure him.

My eyes bore into his hazel ones and I see his eyes begin to water.

"Babe, you okay?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah, just worried." He says before wiping his eyes with the back of his colossal hand.

I take a step forward to give him a hug.

He then wraps his arms around me too, returning the hug.

We stand like that for about five minutes before he lets go of me.

He then leans in and kisses me on the lips sweetly.

I smile against his lips before kissing him back softly.

"I love you Dayna." He says once we have stopped kissing.

"I love you too Ashton." I say before smiling half-heartedly.

"I love you more than words can explain, and I will do anything to keep you safe. I promise you that." He says to me before kissing my forehead again.

I smile while looking at him. "I know that you will...." I say quietly.

Galaxy then walks into the room and sees Ash and I hugging and starts to giggle. "Uh, am I interrupting something or...?" She asks while smirking.

Ashton rolls his eyes at Galaxy, "No, you didn't interrupt anything." He says before shaking his head. Ashton then let's go of me and walks out of the room.

"What's the matter with him?" Galaxy asks as she moves slowly towards me with a worried expression clear on her face.

"He's just .... Stressed. He's stressing out so bloody much. He's worried that something bad is going to happen to me. I don't even know why. But he is." I say before returning to sit down on the couch and lean back, my head resting on the back of it. I close me eyes and then feel the couch dip next to me.

"Well, I guess he's worried because of all of the bad things that has happened to everyone lately. Ash is a good person, he felt so bad when Zara and I got hurt, but more than anything he is worried about you. Him and Cal were talking yesterday. Ashton is scared, for your safety in particular. He was saying to Cal that he would risk his own life to keep you safe. He really does love you, Dayna." Galaxy explains to me before sighing.

"You're lucky." She says, I open my eyes and look at her.

"And I would risk my life to keep him safe." I say quietly, but just loud enough so that she can her me. I was worried, I didn't want anyone else to hear our conversation. I don't know why, but I felt as though someone was listening. As though someone was there.

"Is there anyway that I could help?" Galaxy asks as she walks around the corner.

"No, thanks though." I say before getting up and then walking out to the garden.

His Angel ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now