Chapter 21

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Zara's P.O.V

Pick up Dylan. Save him. He's important. Those words which Willow had spoken to me have been running through my head. I know Dylan, although the others don't.

He's an ex-dark angel. I helped him come back to his old self and I have a feeling that he did the same to Willow. Although the one thing that I don't understand is why it is so important to bring him along.

We've all been in the car for about an hour now, Dayna, Ally, Galaxy, Dylan, Michael, Calum, Luke, Ashton and myself. And the since we picked Dylan up the ride has been completely silent. And I've got to say, it's not a comfortable silence. It's an extremely tense silence.

"Where are we going?" Calum spits, clearly tired of all the driving and secrecy. "Away," I say bluntly. "I'm sick of all of the blasted secrets Zara. Just bloody well tell us were we are going!" Calum yells. Another thick silence falls among us as I take a moment to calm down. "We're going somewhere that they won't find us. Somewhere we'll be able to stay safe." I say as calmly as possible.

"No Zara. You're making us run away from our problems." Calum says. "Actually we're driving." I sass back.

The rest of the car ride is silent. Nobody dared say another word. I know that once we arrive, there will be many questions that they will demand I answer.


Once we arrive I stop the car. I look up and the place is still beautiful. It's far away from everything. There is a beautiful view outside - a river, mountains, seemingly never ending sky - it all looks just like it did when I was young.

I used to come here with my parents when I was young. I've missed coming here so much, I made some great memories here with my parents and hopefully I will be able to make some here with my friends too.

In the back of my mind I can't help but think about Willow and what she did to save me. I just hope that she is okay.

Willow's P.O.V:

All I can do is run. I've been running for ages now. I honestly can't feel my legs. Why am I running you might ask?

Well, if I run I can't be tracked. But if I use my "demon powers" as some like to call them, then I can be traced to any location in the world, meaning I would be killed. I mean I know that I am Oscar's most trusted adviser - or servant as he likes to say I am - but he'll eventually figure out that I am the reason that Zara got out. Especially seeing as I am the one who saw her last before her sudden disappearance.

I'm too young to die. I have so much to live for. I have so much that I still need to do. So many places that I need to be, and so many people that I need to see.

I can't have my life taken from me for doing the right thing! Zara is like a sister to me, letting her go free is the least that I can do after everything she has done for me.

I've said before that I would do anything for her, that I would give my life for her. But I don't think that I'm ready as of yet.

I keep running, not paying attention to were I'm going because of all of these thoughts whizzing around in my head. Suddenly I run into something, a person, who's skin is ice cold. The impact knocks me to the ground. "He will be please with me," a disgustingly fake, sweet voice which is laced with hatred says before everything goes black.


I slowly flutter my eyes open, my head is pounding and my vision is clouded. "She's a liar! She set the girl free! That is the only explanation!" A voice shouts, obviously talking to Oscar about me.

"She is not to be trusted!" The same voice says again, I can't pick exactly who the person is, but I don't know if I want to find out. I open my eyes and I recognise him instantly - there I see him - my brother, Blake.

I cannot believe that Blake is here, but the thing that astounds me even more is the fact that he is trying to get rid of me! He told me that he cared about me and that he would never let any harm come to me. And now he is trying to get rid of me!

"Son, she's awake," the sickly sweet voice says to Oscar. Crud, that means that Veronica is the one who found me. This can't be good. Although it does explain my sudden black out.

That woman has an amazing punch to her. She most likely punched me in the head, that would also perfectly explain why I have such a horrific headache.

I need to start thinking of a plan to get out of here I think to myself as I begin to panic slightly. I mightn't be able to see properly at the moment, but I can hear people moving towards me.

My head snaps to the side, my cheek stinging, "you're going to regret letting Zara go".

Ally's P.O.V:

"You're going to regret letting Zara go, now tell me. Where is she?"
I wake up in a cold sweat, I can't believe that Willow went through all of that to keep us safe. I quickly run out of my room, everyone else is in the kitchen. "What the matter?" Luke asks coming to my side quickly.

I look to Zara, "Willow's in tremendous amounts of trouble.."

His Angel ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now