Chapter 2

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Zara's P.O.V:

"Because there are dark angel's around your parents..." I say. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that Michael, don't"

"W-what do you mean? How is that even possible?" Michael asks frantically, I can tell that he is become extremely anxious about going to see his parents.

"Well, your parents didn't stick to the path that was set for them. They met each other, which left their guardians, not being able to show themselves. Every time that I was with you when you were at your parents house they were taunting me, trying to persuade me to 'go dark'. But I never did, because then I knew that I would be dangerous, and this is not what I wanted." I explain.

"What did they say to you?" Michael asks seeming to be genuinly concerned.

"Well they told me that because you were their son, you were going to change the path that was set for you and that I was waisting my time l-loving you. They told me that l-loving you was usless...because you would never l-love me back" I don't know why but I couldn't manage to say love or loving without stuttering or getting embarrassed. I guess it might just be because this is the first time that I am expressing my feelings.

"Okay, well then you shouldn't come." He says clearly sad.

"You know what? No, I'm going to come with you and show them that they were wrong. I'll prove that you're nothing like your parents, and that sticking with you was a good choice." I say confidently.

"You sure?" He asks, I can tell that he isn't one hundred percent certain.

"Yep..." I look him in they eyes and smile. "Are we going or what?" I ask, he nods and then we walk out of his front door and get into the car.

After a 25 minute drive we arrive at his parents place. It's a nice old place, not the biggest of houses, but big enough.

Once I get out of the car and see a dark angel standing at the window laughing crazily.

"You my dear, are going to regret this. Michael is in great danger, and it is all your fault." The dark angel begins to laugh like a maniac.

Well in all honesty I wouldn't call that 'dark angel' a 'dark angel'. It was more of a demon than anything.

I take a sharp breath and tense up.

"Zara, are you okay?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine" I choke out.

"Are you sure? You're really pale" He says while looking intently at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reassure him as we walk towards the front door.

Michael's mum opens the door and I see yet another dark angel.

It tilts its head to the side and gives me an evil grin "Michael will die, and you will follow," The dark angel says before moving away. I tense up, and then look at Michael.

"And who is this?" Michael's mum asks, I had clearly not been paying attention to the conversation for a while.

"This is my best friend Zara," Michael says before looking at me and I nod my head in response.

"Nice to meet you Zara" She says to me extending her hand, which I shake politely.

"Its nice to meet you too" I say quietly.

"Come in" She says, I walk in and Michael and his mum follow behind me whispering. I am almost one hundred percent sure that they were talking to me.

"We're going to be eating outside is that okay?" Michael's mum asks.

"Yeah sure..." Michael walks next to me and we walk outside. We sit down next to each other at the outside table.

His Angel ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now