Chapter 15

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Ally's P.O.V:

I quickly walk out of the room which I am staying in and run down to find the others.

"Guys, come to my room. Quickly." I say, panic lacing my voice.

Everyone quickly gets up from their place on the couch and run to the room.

"What's going on...?" Luke asks as he follows me to the room.

"Just come.." I say frantically.

As we all run up to the room I hear a bunch of gasps and 'shits' as they look at Ashton.

"What the hell happened?!" Zara yells running over to where Ashton is.

Ashton points to Dayna, clearly sick of telling his story over and over. Either that, or he is just plain lazy.

"He uh....well, I met up with Willow and Oscar. I was going to make a deal with them. I was doing it to save you guys because you all mean so much to me. So yeah, they said that if they killed me t-they'd leave you guys alone. Ashton followed me and just as Willow was going to kill me, Ashton came out of nowhere and saved me. Willow then hurt him and yeah-" Dayna said while nodding.

"I still don't understand why you would do that though Dayna, what has happened isn't your fault. It's none of our faults actually. There is no way in hell that you should be blaming yourself. Life would suck so much without you." I say before sighing, I look up and see that Zara is crying. She suddenly runs over to Dayna and hugs her, crying silently on Dayna's shoulder.

Dayna's P.O.V:

Once Ally had stopped talking Zara ran over to me and hugged me tightly. She was crying nonstop, but silently at the same time. I hugged her back, "Dayna this isn't your fault, we all love you. You mean so much to us, I don't know whether it was a means of suicide, but framing them, or what. But I need you to know that even if you did get killed, they wouldn't stop hurting us. I understand that you wanted to keep us safe but your life is so valuable. You're like my sister and I couldn't ask for a better person to be my best friend." Zara whispers to me while continuing to cry.

I felt bad, I didn't realise that me sacrificing myself for the people who are practically my family would be such a big deal. I just want them to be safe.

None of them deserve to be in danger. None of them deserve to be hurt. None of them deserve to be scared for their lives. And I thought that by allowing Willow and Oscar to kill me would help the others.

They all mean so much to me, I hate the fact that I know that they are all in danger.

I know it's not my fault.

I know that it is something that is pretty much completely out of my control, but I still hate the feeling.

All I want is to be able to protect them, I want them to be safe. I want them to live long and fore-filling lives. I guess I sort of knew that even with me gone, Oscar and Willow wouldn't keep their promise. They are dark after all.

And you can never trust a dark angel.

I was stupid for believing Oscar and Willow in the first place.

I am then suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Michael, " to Dayna..."

"Huh? Oh, yeah?" I question, obviously not hearing what he said.

"You want some pizza?" He asks. "I think everyone needs some comfort food right now..." He adds.

"Sounds good.." I say say while nodding my head. Usually if be really enthusiastic about getting pizza. But today I think too much has gone on, but then again, I'm hungry so yeah! Pizza!

Michael smiles at me, although I could tell that it was a fake smile, you could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to cry, but he's a guy, and he wouldn't allow himself to cry. No way in hell.

Michael then walks out of the room with Zara following him, they were obviously going to order the pizza.

Zara's P.O.V: 

Michael and I walk into the kitchen in complete silence, I could tell by the paleness of his face, the fakeness of his smile and also because of how quiet Michael was being that he wanted to cry. But generally Michael has an uncrackable mask on so that you can't see that he wants to cry. 

Once we got to the kitchen I walked in front of him and looked up at him, getting a proper look at his angelic features, which is ironic, seeing as I am actually an angel and all. 

"What is it?" Michael asks me, sadness lacing his words, making it more obvious to me the way that he was feeling.

I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him, soon after I do so Michael wraps his arms around me too, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel is tears on my shirt, dampening the sleeve of his Metallica which I was wearing.

"I c-can't believe she would sacrifice herself for us," he chokes out into my neck. 

"I know babe, I know. But at least she is still here," I say quietly while rubbing his back soothingly.

"I'm sorry..." Michael says as he lefts go of me, rubbing his eyes.

"Whatever for?" I ask him, a look of confusion playing on my soft features. 

"For not being strong..." he mumbles while looking at the ground scuffing his feet in the process.

"Aww Mikey, don't worry about it. I mean, I lost my shit in there, it's okay. This is going to be a tough time for all of us. You have absolutely noting to apologise for." I say softly before pressing a light kiss on his supple lips which I so dearly loved. 

"Thank-you Zara, I love you." Michael says once I had moved back from him. 

"It's fine. I love you too." I say, Michael and I stand there for a while, just hugging each other and taking in one another's presences. 

His Angel ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now