Chapter 18

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Zara's P.O.V:

I wake up in a dim, cold, damp room. I can barely see anything, but I can make out two figures. One looks like it would belong to a male and the other to a female.

"Ah, sleeping beauty has finally decided to wake up, has she?" I hear someone say and immediately I realise who it is. Oscar. "Ew, how could you even use the word 'beauty' when discussing that?" Willow - I'm guessing - says before laughing evilly. "You can't." Oscar says, from what I could see, there was a devious smirk playing on his features.

"You do realise I'm sitting right here!" I practically yell. "This has been fun and all, but I'm going to go now." I say trying to stand up but soon realising that isn't going to happen before my arms are bound to a bunch of metal poles behind me. And my feet are bound to the ground.

Willow and Oscar start to laugh. "Stupid girl, did you seriously think that we would make it that easy for you to leave?" Willow asks as both Oscar and her move towards me slightly.

"Hmm, well I couldn't say that either of you are smart. So yeah, I guess so." I say, a small smirk playing on my features.

"Oh really now?" Oscar asks as he cocks and eyebrow at me. Almost bored with what I have to say.


Oscar clicks his fingers and suddenly I am surrounded by four devils. Three were male and one was female. The female had a very petite figure. She wasn't very tall either but her eyes were the colour that most people would associate with midnight. She has long hair and ghostly white skin with many of her veins visible, even in the dim light I could see them. Her nails we long, pointy and dark in colour, her teeth were also dark in colour and they too, were pointy.

The expression on her face was virtually unreadable but she looked as though at any second she may rip my heart straight out of my chest.

The males all looked like she did, white skin with veins visible, midnight eyes, pointed teeth and nails. The only real difference being the fact that the males we all rather tall and muscular.

"You won't be getting away any time soon." Willow says as she crosses her arms, a proud expression on her features.

"You two are despicable." I say rolling my eyes. "She's all yours." Oscar says. Next thing I know I'm being lifted up by my neck before being roughly dropped to the ground again. I groan in pain as my head flies back and hits the concrete wall behind me.

I hear Willow and Oscar laugh at my misfortune as they walk off.

Michael's P.O.V:

I look a Galaxy, stunned by what she has just said. "B-but why would they take her? What has she done wrong other than nothing? Oh my god. What if they're torturing her? What if she's dead? What if they've ripped her limb from limb? What if-" I'm cut off suddenly by Calum, who has slapped me across the face.

"Man, you've gotta calm down. I'm sure that she's fine. You've just gotta stop stressing." Calum says as he sits back down on the couch again. I run my hand through my hair, making it messier than it already was.

"Okay guys, what do you propose we do?" I question running my hand through my hair again, simply out of habit.

"I propose we find her." Ashton says in a failed attempt to sound sophisticated. He most likely doesn't know what the word propose means. But I'll allow him to have his few seconds of glory.

"We've got that much." Dayna says as she pats Ash on the leg before giggling slightly. "This isn't a joking matter." Ally snaps before standing up and rushing out of the room.

I look at Luke who puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm going I'm going. I'll be back in a second." He mumbles as he walks off. You can hear him faintly calling for Ally, telling her to calm down. He seemed so sympathetic. I honestly don't get why she was acting the way that she is. If anything I should be the one acting like that.

She is my girlfriend after all.

But then again, at least I can tell that she cares. Galaxy sighs, "I have an idea where they could be..." Galaxy says, trailing off as though she is too afraid to say anything.

"Go on..?" Ashton says, suddenly interested in what is being said. Maybe it's because of the sudden development to the story. It seems that's the only time he's interested in anything. Especially in girls, but now honestly isn't the time to go into any detail with that.

"Okay, there is a building, heaps of the fallen angels hang around there. But I highly doubt they would keep her there because there would be a high chance of the fallen angels finishing the job before they got the chance to themselves. Although there is a room which is all metal, which no fallen angel can get into unless they have the power to do so. And my guess is that those two would have the power, but it wouldn't make any sense." Galaxy rants as she often does.

"And the second place is an old abandoned shop. It was built in the early two-thousands. And is all cement. I think that is our best bet. Only very few people know that place..." She says, the expression on her face showing that she has said too much.

"How do you know about the place then?" Calum asks, almost as though he has read everyone's mind.

"Well, you see. A few years back there was a disagreement between the head guardians and the fallen angels. I, believe it or not, was classified as a high guardian. I was in charge of the guardians. I was the one who made sure than no human was left without a guardian. This left me on very bad terms with the fallen angels. Oscar and another fallen angel had just been told that by the highest guardians that there was no place for them with their appointed human. And I was sent to do my job and appoint a new guardian to the humans who were left without guardians. This infuriated Oscar and the other fallen angel. Long story short there was a massive battle at that shop like place, which has now been stripped of all furniture and anything that made it a shop. Oh yeah, and I was told that I was no longer fit for the position as appointed of guardians, so I was practically fired. I'm sorry. I think that I'm the reason that you're all in danger. I think it is best for me to leave you all alone, I'll sacrifice myself for Zara, it's the least I can do after all the trouble I've caused." Galaxy says with tears in her eyes threatening to fall at any given moment.

"Look Galaxy, this honestly isn't your fault. It isn't anyone's fault other than Oscar and Willow's. They're going to pay for all the trouble they've caused. Trust me." I say before giving her a hug. I then quickly let go of her petite figure and quickly walk to were Luke and Ally are sitting out the front of Zara and my house. I hug Ally quickly before telling her and Luke to come inside for a moment.

"Okay guys, Zara's gone. Oscar and Willow think they have the upper hand. But really that isn't the case. We're level with them. Now let's go kick some demonic angel butt!"

His Angel ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now