The Baby's Arrival

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Maya's contractions grew stronger and more frequent as they ran. She could feel her body preparing for the arrival of her child, but she knew that she couldn't stop to give birth now. Not with Jameson still out there, waiting to pounce.

As they burst through the doors of a nearby building, Maya stumbled, her legs giving out from under her. The group rushed to catch her, supporting her as she doubled over in pain.

"Here," one of them said, producing a makeshift bed from a storage room. "Let's get you comfortable."

Maya collapsed onto the bed, her body wracked with contractions. She could feel her baby moving down the birth canal, but she knew that she couldn't push it out yet. Not until they were safe.

As she lay there, gasping for breath, Maya felt a strange sensation. A warmth spread through her abdomen, and suddenly, she felt her baby's tiny hands and feet pushing against her skin.

With a surge of adrenaline, Maya pushed herself upright, ignoring the pain and exhaustion. She could feel her baby crowning, and she knew that it was almost here.

As she pushed one final time, a tiny cry filled the air. Maya held out her arms, and a small, perfect baby boy tumbled into them. He was covered in blood and mucus, but he was alive.

The group cheered and wept as Maya cradled her baby close. She stroked his soft hair, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and wonder.

But as she looked up at the group, Maya saw that they were not alone. Jameson had followed them, his eyes blazing with an unholy light.

"You can't hide from me," he growled, his voice like thunder in the darkness.

Maya knew that she had to protect her child. She wrapped him tightly in her arms and prepared to face Jameson once more.

But as she looked down at her baby, Maya saw something strange. Something that made her heart skip a beat.

Her baby's eyes were glowing with an otherworldly light.

Maya's heart raced as she stared at her baby's glowing eyes. What was happening to him? She had always known that her child was special, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined.

As Jameson took a step closer, Maya felt a surge of fear. She knew that she had to protect her child, but she didn't know how.

The group around her seemed frozen in shock, unsure of what to do. But one of them, a young woman named Sarah, sprang into action. She grabbed a nearby object and charged at Jameson, distracting him long enough for Maya to get away.

As they fled through the darkness, Maya held her baby close, trying to make sense of what was happening. She glanced down at his glowing eyes again, and this time, she saw something else. A message, etched into his tiny forehead.

"I know what this means," Maya whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "My baby is the key to Jameson's power."

As the group struggled to escape, Maya realized that they had been wrong all along. Her child wasn't just a normal baby - he was something more. He was the source of Jameson's power, and he had been sent to stop him.

But how could that be? Maya had always thought that she was just a normal person, living a normal life. But now, it seemed that she was part of something much bigger.

As they finally stumbled out into the bright sunlight, Maya looked up at the group, her eyes filled with tears.

"We have to get out of here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We have to take my baby and go."

But as they turned to flee, Maya saw Jameson standing behind them, his eyes blazing with an unholy light.

"You'll never leave," he growled, his voice like thunder in the distance.

Maya knew that they were in grave danger. She held her baby close, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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