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2 moths later..

Its been 2 months.

2 months since I saw the dead body.

Its blood again.

A place.

Its raning.

I am sitting in font alone.

No home.

No house. I pack my things up as I went straight to an bus stop as I sit on the bench.

Sitting alone with feel some sharp eyes on me.

Do I look disgusting?

I used to look the best.

What happen to me?

What happen to me!

What happen to me.

"See that thing wake up" I heard a women's voice.

Head up. As I find my self again in the dark.

At this point I am not understanding which is dream and which is reality.

"Please"i beg.

But they laugh.

Laughter fill the air as a tall man enter there.

My eyes wide.

"No!"I whisper.

Rage fill inside me. The puzzles are solving.

"Its time"he said.


The bell ring as I exits the school. Usually I find my sis in the gate waiting for me but today she is not here instead I find my brother there.

We reach the home. I quickly run through my sister's room.

She is not there.


Where is she.

"Mom!"I shout as I run through down stairs but I saw blood.

Blood on the TV.

Blood on the carpet.

On the sofa.


Its awful.

I want to throw up.i quickly run outside, i.

I..I went to a bench and sit there.

I feel something. Like someone just sit beside me.

Before I can look up my head get smashed down.

And that thing whisper in my ears.

"What did you see?can you recognize those things which you just saw. Can ypu give me names?"


Hi guysss.

I hope you like this Not-so-a-proper-chapter.

This things are confusing I know.

You never know form which point of view I a writing it from.

It can be anyone.

Phayu, his sister, brother , rain, his sister, rina aunt or Mr,Mark etc etc.

So stay aware I will update soon(a real chapter)

20 comments I guess.

Complete the goal guys.

Again I hope you get confused by this chapter.

Don't forget to


Luv u guysss<33333

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