Epilogue - I

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The whole mansion was upside down with Mrs. Jeon and Seokjin running here and there to look out for the arrangements. Tomorrow is the birthday of the little candy of their eyes and they ain't gonna take it easier.

"Why are you sitting there idly? At least help Hoseok with decorating." She complained to her husband who just took the couch after putting the cake in the oven. Jungkook requested his father to prepare the best one for Taehyung as baking was his hobby. He used to make them for Jungkook when he was a kid. However, with time the tradition faded out in their busy lives.

With a sigh, he walked to Hoseok where he was arranging flowers and Yoongi was suffering from the hard time the balloons were giving him. He cursed his wife and nephew internally. Neither do they rest nor do they let others breathe for a second. It is just a simple party with only family and close friends for God's sake.

Just then the doorbell was heard. Seokjin was about to go when Mrs Jeon stopped him. "I'll check it. These meatballs are almost finished. You just need to prepare the sauce for it. Can you do it?" She asked leaving the kitchen as the younger gave her a nod.

She opened the door and it was Namjoon along with his bratty intern and his sweet cousin. "Oh...please come." She stepped aside to let them in.

"Thanks Mrs Jeon. These are for you." Namjoon gave her the flowers he brought. "Aww...thank you dear. You are so sweet. And...please you can call me mom as well. You are just like Taehyung." She smiled at Namjoon who was already thinking that she is no less than an angel.

Jungkook told him many times that his mom invited him for lunch or dinner. But he kept pushing it. Yeonjun already dragged his boyfriend to join Hoseok who was busy snapping at Mr Jeon for ruining his two hours of hard work. Mr Jeon was standing there taking all his scoldings like a little who ruined his mother's kitchen.

Simply, the mansion was in chaos. Seokjin's attention was diverted from his cooking by the presence of Namjoon which resulted in the burnt rolled omelettes.

After the incident, Seokjin only got to see the reporter twice in the hospital. Since then Namjoon has been avoiding the elder like a plaque. After hearing everything from Yoongi, Seokjin couldn't imagine how much Namjoon must have suffered all these years. All he wanted was just to take the other in his embrace and kiss away all the pain in his heart.

However, he restrained himself waiting for the other to communicate in one way or another. But Namjoon didn't even dare to look in his direction.

Mrs Jeon noticed the longing in Seokjin's eyes. "Um...Namjoon...Jin is working alone in the kitchen...could you help a hand if you don't mind?" She asked and the other responded with a hesitant 'yes'.

He took slow steps to the kitchen like a scared student on his first day at school. For two reasons, first, he wasn't ready to face Seokjin yet. Second, the kitchen is not an area of his expertise.

"...Um...Nam...Mr. Ki..." Seokjin was looking everywhere in the kitchen to keep himself busy. "...ugh...scrap it...Namjoon we need to talk." He said after a moment of frustration.

"Ahem..." They heard Mrs Jeon clearing her throat. "...oh sweet distant love birds...can you leave my kitchen before everything is burnt here?" She said pointing to the burnt omelettes.

"Let's go...Soobin told me your kitchen history." Seokjin spoke before walking to the backyard and Namjoon followed him

"First I need you to apologize," Seokjin demanded folding his hands over his chest. "I'm really sorry Seokjin-ssi...I never intended to use you like that asshole...it's true that I acquainted with you for Taehyung...but.." Namjoon was struggling to find words when Seokjin raised his hand to stop him.

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