Mission Details and a fated moment

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Sorry, this is shorter than the original. The original was cut down for unknown reasons when I checked it out, this is basically a shorter version of the original.

"Oi, Ozpin. You wanted to see me?" Naruto asked, walking in.

"Ah, Mr. Uzumaki. Yes, please have a seat." Ozpin said as he motioned for Naruto to take a seat. "Mr. Uzumaki, what I am about to tell you is imperative to your future, as well as the rests."

"The rests?" Naruto questioned. The doors swing open.

"Team CRDL reporting for duty, sir!" Cardin, the leader of said team saluted, but visually scowled at the sight of the nine tailed Faunus.

"...No." Naruto turned back to Ozpin. "Ozzy, no. I can't. I just can't work with these idiots."

"What was that fox breathe?" Cardin asked, putting out his chest.

"Welcome to my world..." Dove Said under his breathe. Naruto smirked a bit at that, being the only one to hear due to his enhanced senses. He guessed that Dove was the more level headed one of the team. Naruto then turned back to Cardin and kept his glare.

"*ahem*" Ozpin made himself known again. "If you two are done, I'd like to continue."

The two continued to glare at each other for a few seconds until both turned to him, in synch may I add.

"Now that that is done with, I've called you all for the sake of a mission." Ozpin stated, sipping his coffee.

"What are the details?" Both Naruto and Cardin asked in synch again, making them glare at each other.

"Both CRDL and TOMA will be guarding a dust shipment by the Schnee Dust Company. The head has asked that our best teams defend this shipment and had given us no further information on it besides the driver, meeting and departing time and locations." Ozpin informed the two.

"Yes sir!" Cardin said without a second thought. Naruto was in a thinking pose, however. 'Best teams to protect a 'dust' shipment... I don't like how it sounds, I should go to make sure these morons don't get themselves killed.'

Did Naruto dislike team CRDL? Yes. With a passion. But it wasn't in his nature to let comrades get killed. A bad comrade is still a comrade.

"*sigh* Ok, I guess I'll go." Naruto said, scratching the back of his head. "Troublesome...." He said, honoring his friend.

Ozpin smiled at the cooperation. "Good to hear, your teams will meet at the landing pad at 7:30 and arrive at Vale at 8:00. You will meet at building 1738 in the warehouse district at 10:30, giving you two hours and thirty minutes to prepare. Are there any questions?"

The boys stayed silent.

"Good. You are dismissed, but Naruto, please stay behind. I have something I'd like to speak with you about." Ozpin said, waiting until team CRDN left.

"What's up Ozzy?" Naruto asked in a relaxed, carefree mood now that Cardin was gone.

"Glynda, please activate the seals." Ozpin said, making Glynda walk over to a wall and putting her hand on it. A sound proof seal had activated, making sure not even the most attentive of Faunus could hear, even through the door.

"She can use chakra?" Naruto asked surprised.

Ozpin shook his head, "And I barely could. I came after the split of chakra in to aura and semblance. It took years of training and constant meditation to be able to manipulate it in to my sword. My sensei tweaked some things so some seals can be activated through aura and taught me. That is besides the point, though."

Ozpin took a moment to recompose himself. "Naruto, what I'm telling you will not be easy, knowing your connection with the toads."

"Holy shit! Thanks Ozzy! How the hell could I forget?! Oh man, I bet Gamakichi's the clan head! Ohhh man, it'll be good to see Ma and Pa aga-"

"Naruto." Ozpin said to get his attention.

"Hm?" Naruto looked his way, brimming with excitement.

"The Grimm are incomplete versions of the Ten-Tailed beast." Ozpin said.

"Yeah, I already know that." Naruto said looking at Ozpin a bit confused.

"Naruto, the energy itself did not manifest into the beings. The Ten-Tails's energy needed to go in to something and it found anything human like unwanted." Ozpin said, letting Naruto connect the dots.

"Heh, hey now. Just what are you trying to say?" Naruto laughed nervously, hoping Ozpin was kidding. He was not. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THE SUMMONS ARE GRIMM?!" Naruto yelled, loud enough to mildly break through the seal, causing Glynda to cover her ears and Ozpin to shut his eyes tight.

The toads, who had accepted him before the village did. Pa who trained him into his physically strongest mode. Ma who fed him and treated his wounds from said training. Gamabunta, the Chief Toad that saved his life on more than one occasion and finally Gamakichi. His personal summon, one of his best friends. And Ozpin was telling them they were not only gone, but reduced to mindless monsters hellbent on murdering humans. Naruto instantly kicked down the door and ran back to his room, he could have teleported but logic was not in his brain at the moment.

Back at the hallway, JNPR and RWBY heard feet scrambling and saw a blonde blur before they heard a door kicked down. They all ran to see a frantic Naruto looking around the room.

"Naruto, what the heck?! You left us all hanging!" Weiss exclaimed.

"She has a point muscles, wha-" she stopped. Before them was not the normal, 'Pranking God' Naruto. The eyes of a cheerful pranking sunshine were gone, replaced with eyes full of fear, loneliness and regret. He ran over to his wall before he punched it, making a big hole. He reached inside and pulled a big scroll out, opening it before he but his thumb and smeared some of his blood on it.

"SUMMONING JUTSU!" He yelled. Nothing happened. He was panting, but he bit his thumb and smeared it again.

"SUMMONING JUTSU!" Nothing happened. Naruto stayed there on his knees as tears streamed down his face. Then the tears suddenly stopped, evaporating the second they were formed. The air grew harder to breathe and gravity seemed to slowly increase. Before anyone knew it, they were all on the ground, not even able to scream.

Weiss, despite seeming like the most frail one, actually moved. She crawled her way to Naruto, reaching for him, but her arm fell. But as it fell, it bumped fist with Naruto and unbeknownst to her, that was all she needed. Thirty seconds had passed before they noticed the air grew lighter, they were able to move again before everything went normal.

Although questions were asked, Naruto informed them it had been a very taxing day on him and that he was exhausted. More questions sprouted, though they weren't asked, when Weiss took his side and opted to let him rest. Although disappointed, the group went back to their separate rooms, but RWBY was missing a member.

"Well I'll be damned." Yang said with a smirk.

"What's wrong? Wait a minute, where's Weiss?" Ruby asked, Blake also looking around. Yang pushed them into the room before saying, "Shhh. Weiss is getting her legs shaky again."

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