The Difference

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Sam and Yang rushed each other, Yang jumping for a flying kick while Sam jumped higher and went for a superman punch. Yang's kick connected first making her smirk grow. Then she flew back from getting punched. She hit the floor twice before she twisted and landed, stopping herself.

'How'd he-' she wasn't allowed the luxury of thinking as Sam rushed her again. He got right in front of her, she put her arms up in defense but Sam used a wrestling maneuver and slid around her, wrapping his arms around her stomach as he German Suplex'd her.

Yang got up and staggered a bit before she saw a single hair from her bangs fall. Her face took on an angry expression as her hair began glowing and her eyes turned red. In a burst of speed she charged, plunging her fist into Sam's stomach and she span around, delivering a roundhouse kick that made him fly back into a booth, breaking the table and the seat.

Sam didn't like that very much. He got up, winding his arm before he ran forward again. Yang began firing rounds at Sam, he dodged them skillfully but one hit him straight in the face. Yang had a bit of fear that she went to far, before Sam lunged out of the cloud and head butted her. She skidded backwards a bit, but was ok.

She rushed forward and ducked under Sam's hook, delivering one of her own to his ribs and then a left hook to his jaw. Sam threw another punch that Yang dodged and she delivered a hard straight to his stomach. He didn't budge, not even skidding back. Sam grabbed the back of her head and head butted it harder than before, making her fall back. Sam stood over her before a bottle broke on the back of his head. He slowly turned his head to see Jaune there with the rest of the glass in his hand.

"Heh heh..." Jaune laughed nervously, before gulping.

Things were sucking for Jaune right about now. He and his team went shopping before Pyrrah grabbed him and pulled him along saying she wanted to do, 'Couple stuff.' Although he wanted to too, he actually didn't know what couple stuff was. Pyrrah dragged him to different stores before they heard of a club in town and she decided she wanted to dance. That was cool, he had practiced dancing for a moment like this for a long time...until they got to the club and saw Yang fighting someone.

The two saw the fight and Pyrrah began texting the rest of JNPR and informed RWBY as well. Jaune saw the person standing over Yang after a hard head butt. He grabbed a battle from a booth and ran forward, breaking it on the guy's head. That left him where he was right now, just staring at the guy with a really nervous smile, slowly backing away.

"Oh no, don't back away, you started this." Sam said slowly walking forward. He pulled his fist back about to punch. Then he got blind sided by a shield bash, skidding to his left a bit. Jaune saw Pyrrah and smiled in thanks. He pulled out his sword and shield, Yang getting up.

"Oh hey guys, joining the party?" Yang asked, still a bit dazed.

"Take a breather, help is on the way." Pyrrah told her. Yang just reloaded her gauntlets, prepping herself.

"Not a chance sister, I'll let you guys fight with me, but I'm not stepping down."

"Oooooohohohohooo. More entered the fray. Bout time I really use these." Sam said, flexing his fingers. He then ran towards them, all bracing for an attack that never came. They saw him getting right in front of them, before jumping back and pointing his palms at them, revealing the speakers from his headphones.

"What the hell is that?!" Yang asked.

"Oh nothing much, just my BASS CANNON!" He yelled as he literally shot blasts of bass at the three, pushing them away. "That's not all kiddies, I completely forgot about the other function." Sam said as Yang tried to rush again with Pyrrah behind her. Pyrrah brought up her shield while Yang jumped up and was boosted by Pyrrah, shooting Ember Cecilia to boost her. Yang was right about to hit Sam until he put a palm up and-

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