Little Red and the Big Bad Dragon

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Ruby was taking a stroll around campus, having already attended classes and not having another for at least an hour, she decided to take a walk after her sixth time taking apart, cleaning and re-assembling Crescent Rose. She got to a path like a park, with benches and trees over the pathway.

"Why hello there little red riding hood."

Ruby looked around, not knowing where the voice was coming from. She turned and continued looking before turning back and-



Ruby jumped back, falling down. Seeing Sam Kazerairyu upside down, feet stuck to a tree branch. He dropped down, landing on his feet, chuckling. He was wearing baggy light blue cargos with yellow designs and wore light blue boots. He had black sunglasses and a light blue hoodie under a yellow vest.

"My bad, didn't mean to scare...yes I did. Sam. Sam Kazerairyu." He admitted, offering his hand. Ruby took it and got up.

"Ruby Rose, and that wasn't very funny!" She said, pouting.

"Well, can't change the past, but I can change the future. How can I make it up to you?" He asked. Ruby took a step back and put her finger on her chin, looking up and thinking. The boy offering his help was tall, at least a full ruler above her. She dreaded the times Yang would put the cookies out of her reach, but now she had a way to counter it. She laughed, a long, evil laugh.

"No cookies, NO COOKIES WILL BE OUT OF MY REACH!" She said maniacally, turning towards Sam. "You shall help me in my plan of conquest!"

Sam was surprised by the sudden proclamation, "Uhhh...ok? I think?" He said warily.

"From today forward, you shall be my cookie grabber!" Ruby said as she put her foot on a log, that appeared from nowhere may I add, and struck a dramatic pose.

"Wow wow wow, that means two things." Sam said with his hands up.

"What are you talking about? What else could it mean?" Ruby asked, looking at him confused.

"Well-" he took a moment to stare her in the eyes. "Never mind, if you don't know what else it could mean, you're probably talking about baked goods." He said.

"Is there another type of cooki-"

"I'd rather not be the one to corrupt that cute little mind of yours." He said with a smile.

"Aww, you called my mind cute...and lit-HEY!"

Sam laughed, "Lead the way oh wise and powerful leader." He said. He started walking when he felt something jump on his back. He looked back to see Ruby.


"No time to talk! Onwards! To the cookies!" She shouted. Sam mentally shrugged, she didn't weigh a lot at all. He followed her directions towards team RWBYs dorm to take down the cookies.


"Ya know, just because you're one of my clones doesn't mean I can read your mind." Naruto said to number 38 through an ear piece.

"..." 38 stayed silent.

"....*sigh* So Sam is currently with Ruby."


"And they're headed to RWBYs dorm."


"So Sam can grab the cookies that Yang keeps putting out of Ruby's reach. Thank you 38, your input is much appreciated."


"Hey, my relationship with Weiss is none of your business."


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