chapter 1

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"What's wrong with you?" Dad asked as he banged his fist on the table. "I DONT KNOW MABYE IF YOU WERNT STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK YOU COULD RAISE A FUCKING CHILD AT 16 WHEN YOU CANT TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF AND YOUR 32!" I shouted. Dad said nothing and walked outside. I ran to my room and put on one of my favourite songs called "Everything about you" by one direction and then I packed my bag. I took the train to Stars Hollow, which is where my mom and sister live. I walked into this diner called lukes and saw a boy behind the counter. "Hi," I said. He glared at me. "Hi," he said. "Jesus, it's true small towns sure are friendly," I replie, "and a bit cracked anyway. What can I get ya?" He asked with a smile. "Just a black coffee," I say, taking a seat. "OLIVIA," I heard mom and rory scream. "Hi guys," I say, giving them a hug. "Why are you here?" Rory asked. "I had a fight with dad, and I just wanted to get out of Boston, and now I'm homeless," I say. "You could come stay with us," mom says. "That's great, thanks," I say. I paid for my coffee and I went to rorys house. "Wow, cosa rory," I say. "I might need to get a job as well, so can you help me find one?" I say, putting my bag in my room. "Luke will give her a job it will be fun because it would be like having a second, jess," rory says. "Yeah," Mom says. "Hey, what are you watching?" Rory asked. "Friends, it's really good." I repile. "I win you suck I rule all mini wave and celebration to me a whoo hoo," chlander said. "Who's that?" rory asked, pointing to a girl with pig tails and blonde hair. "That's pheobe," I say.
The next morning, I went to the diner.
"Hey, lorelai hi rory," jess said. "Hi jess," lorelai replied. "Luke, I have an idea," lorelai says. "My daughter oliva kinda lives with us now, and she needs a job, so I was wondering," lorelai said. "Sure," Luke said. "Jess," Luke shouted. "Yeah," he said. "Show oliva how to do stuff around the diner." Luke said. Jess nodded. "Hey, I'm jess," he said. Mom rory and Luke looked bewildered. "Has he ever done that?" Rory wisperd. "" Luke wisperd back. "I'm Olivia," I replied. "What you looking at?" I say to rory, which earned a smirk from jess. After a while, I was done with work. "Hey Olivia?" Jess asked. "Yeah, what's your favourite band?" Jess asked. "One direction," I repiled. "Never heard of them," jess said. "Here, listen to this," I say, giving him the "up all night" cd "Okay" he replied. "Let me know tomorrow if you like it, and I'll give you another," I say. "Okay, bye gilmore," jess said, fumbling with the cd."Bye, jess," I replie.

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