take you to another world.

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"He vandalised your cd," rory asked. "He did not vandalis it. He wrote things on it, but I enjoy it, and it is not causing me harm, so therefor it's not vandalism, " I say, talking a sip of my coffee.  "Can I see?" Mom and rory asked. I showed them the cd.

"Aww, that cute," rory says

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"Aww, that cute," rory says. "Yeah, cd writing means they like you," Mom says, rubbing her eye.

I went to lukes to start my shift. "Hey,"  Luke was cleaning a pan when I came in. "Hey gilmore," jess said. We went outside and we saw doses. It was covered with people. But covered is an understatement it was swarmed with people. "Huh, what happened here?" I ask jess as we get closer so that rory could hear us. "A murder probably," jess repiled. "Yeah, probably, and anyway, we should go back to lukes. He looks busy," I say.  Rory followed us back to lukes. "You done it," she said as she hit the back of my head. "You drew the chalk outline outside doses," she countuined. "Calm down, dective benson," I mumbled. "Well, i know you did, and anyway, I know you came at 2 in the morning," she said, glaring at jess. "Okay, fine, we did it," I said, jess, and I walked into lukes. Rory and mom followed me in because they wanted to see 'how I act' around jess to prove if I liked him. (I do, but my family is a bit crazy when it comes to jess and the dating jess topic ) "So tomorrow is the bid a basket thing," I say. "Cool, are you gonna bid on rorys?" Jess asks, knowing what's going on."I was, but rory has dean to bid on her basket. It's a shame." I say glaring at rory. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" I ask
So we walked around stars hollow and we talked about everything and anything we could think of. "So can I bid on your basket?" Jess asked. "Yeah!" I say "great" we came back and we coutuined working. I was daydreaming and staring at jess when I heard rory wisper in my ear. "I'll lift you up I'll never stop you know I'll take you to another world every day in every way" she sang. "Rory singing 'another world' by one direction will not help me do anything. "Yeah but it could be your wedding song" rory said. "Fuck off rory" I say scarstaicly. "Hey look who it is its dean!" I say. Rory goes all red in the face and hides behind mom. "Do i wanna know?" Jess asked raising his eyebrows. "Rory has a crush" I sing. "She does too" rory hissed pointing at me. "Oh yeah?" Jess said looking me up and down. "Yeah but he would never like me" I say pouring a cup of coffee. "Yeah okay anyway toodles" Mom says. "Hey rory Dean's here" I say. Rory and mom walk out the door. "So who's the guy" jess asked. "There is no guy I was just joking." "Okie dokie" jess said. When ever I talked to jess during the day he would look me up and down. "Dude" luke says. "What" jess asked. "Stop looking her up and down she can tell" "Okay and why do I care" "I tell you them gilmores have some kinda guy radar" luke said. "If you say so" jess repiled. "He so likes you it's obvious" Lane says as her rory and me are walking around town. "he was looking me up and down all day" I say. "Yeah and he done it that night he came for dinner" rory adds "also he said he would bid on my basket" I squealed. "Yay now that's three of us" Lane says. All the way home rory and Lane kept chanting "liv and jess sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g"  "please shut up its getting annoying" I say.  They countuine to do it even wheni was on the phone to jess. Anyway the main thing that happend today was that I like jess and he's bidding on my basket tomorrow.

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