sookies wedding

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It was the day of sookies' wedding, and mom rory and I were getting ready. We headed to the Inn and rory, and I started talking to the guests.  "So how do you know the bride?" Rory asked kirk. "Rory, I see her around town." Kirk repiled. Rory nodded and walked away. The wedding was starting in about an hour, and rory made sure to hide dean when 9pm came. "Why do I need to go home at nine?" He asked. "Deano, you'll never come out alive. Let's just put it that way, " I say everyone was chatting, and then I spotted him.

Jess's pov.
"Hi Luke," I said as Luke walked into the apartment.
"Why are you here?"
"I moved back,"
"Just wanted to"
"Sookies' wedding is today, and the gilmores are there, so if you wanna talk to liv, I'd say talk to her tomorrow."

Livs pov
I was talking to rory and Dean when I spotted jess by a tree. "I'll catch up with you later," I say to rory and Dean
I walk over to the tree. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "You look nice," jess says, giving me a look up and down.  "Thanks. What are you doing here?" I ask again.
"I moved back,"
"What, why?"
"Just wanted to"
Jess and I begin to have another "I should kiss you" moments, and I decided to act on it. I kiss him, and his hands wrap around my waist. I pull away. "Oh my god," I say as I turn my back to him. "Livia," he says, "don't say a word." I say.  "Okay," he mumbled. "Also, welcome home," I said before running off.
I run around looking for rory. Hey, what's up?" She asked. "Jessmovedbackandikissedhim." I say
"Sorry, I don't speak gibberish," rory says scarstaicly. "Jess moved back, and I kissed him," I say slowly. "When?" She asks, jumping up and down. "Once after the bid a basket thing and like five minutes ago," I say out of breath. "Oh... wow... oh... wow, " she says, shocked. "I know!" I say. "Ok, I know you just kissed the great love over your life or whatever, but this is not the time to quote moncia Geller," she says. "Sorry," I mumbled. "Hey girls, you ready?" Mom asks. Rory and I both say yes and get ready to walk down the Isle.

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